EPG Failing to download

General Discussion

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Thu Jan 26, 2012 3:19 pm

01/26:14:54:39: /tvbin/TClient: inside TClient
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: TClient: invoking init w/argv=-h
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: writing In Progress to LastCallStatus
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: TClient init: 0
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: dial config code: (127) found
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: matched 127, returning value = 1274560760:
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 29 48
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: writing In Progress to LastCallStatus
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|29
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: Host =
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: Port = 80
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: Phone = 1274560760
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 29 8
01/26:14:54:40: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|29
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
01/26:14:54:48: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find GenreVersion: DataSet GenreVersion does not exist.
01/26:14:54:48: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find LogoVersion: DataSet LogoVersion does not exist.
01/26:14:54:48: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find AffiliationVersion: DataSet AffiliationVersion does not exist.
01/26:14:54:48: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find ShowcaseVersion: DataSet ShowcaseVersion does not exist.
01/26:14:54:48: /tvbin/TClient: mrsigtype=3 mrconnector=7...
01/26:14:54:48: /tvbin/TClient: mrsigtype=1 mrconnector=1...
01/26:14:54:49: /tvbin/TClient: Using error search string: [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
01/26:14:55:23: /tvbin/TClient: encryptLog called with infile = /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz outfile = /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz.bfg keyname = BACKHAUL_THUMB
01/26:14:55:23: /tvbin/TClient: EncryptLog Could not find /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz
01/26:14:55:23: /tvbin/TClient: encryptLog called with infile = /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz outfile = /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz.bfg keyname = BACKHAUL_PRIVATE
01/26:14:55:24: /tvbin/TClient: bfkey = 0xC82C78D18982D7157D4E3D9CF813FAF2
01/26:14:55:24: /tvbin/TClient: Key value =
01/26:14:55:24: /tvbin/TClient: EncryptLog could not super-encrypt the key because key was empty
01/26:14:55:24: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 28 7
01/26:14:55:24: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|28
01/26:14:55:24: /tvbin/TClient: creating keyserver query
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: setting up Ident Block
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: returning messages:
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: getting current software
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: found name = 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: found name = ACTIVE
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: Found 2.5.5-01-1 running
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: getting current showcases
01/26:14:55:33: /tvbin/TClient: getting locationID
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Removing DBS objects in guided setup.
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Current postalcode: 01000
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Nothing found so returning: |DBS-0
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: getting headendID
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: skipping getHeadendIDList on SETUPHEAD call
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: setting up TCD411 block
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: setting area code:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Start TCD411 Request ==================
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: areaCode:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: prefix: {}
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: dialInAreaCode: {}
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: curPhNum: 0
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: objVer:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: tcdId: 0230000601E8783
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: callId: 1327589680
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: dialPrefix:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: dialToneCheck:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: offHookDetect: 1
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: tonePulseDial: P
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: callWaitPrefix:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeAuth:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: callType: TS_SR_ACCEPTED
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: swVerName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: End TCD411 Request ==================
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Start Ident =====================
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: version: 3
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: centerID: 0230000601E8783
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: reasonCode: 6
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: softwareDesc: 468089-51|468071-1|468073-1|468075-1|468077-1|468079-1|468081-1|468083-1|468085-1|468087-1|468090-1|468091-1|468092-1|468093-1|468094-1|468095-1|468096-1|468097-1|468098-1|468099-1|468100-1|468101-1|468102-1|468103-1|468104-1|468105-1|468106-1|468107-1|468108-1|468109-1|468110-1|468111-1|468112-1|468113-1|468114-1|468115-1|468116-1|468117-1|468118-1|468119-1|468120-1|468121-1|468122-1|468123-1|468124-1|468125-1|468127-1|468128-1|468129-1|468130-1|468131-1|468132-1|468133-1|468134-1|468135-1|468136-1|468137-1|468138-1|468139-1|24252-77|24264-362|387715-4|61464-40|24273-54|24294-76|427608-4|24306-72|24337-54|24352-638|24358-36|24380-12|
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: locationID: 01000-0|DBS-0
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: sequenceCookie: 12345678
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: headendID:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: showcaseDesc: showcase0-0
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: inventoryFile:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: waitingCount: 0
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: dialConfig: 127
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: confInfo: 1274560760:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: messageDesc:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: irdbVersion: 317
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: genreVersion:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: logoVersion:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: affiliationVersion:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: showcaseVersion:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: swVerName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: configParameterList: zip=01000,dar=,rcq=,tz=,as=,tun=,suc=
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: sourceParameterList: st=3,con=7,drm=2,ekr=,ccn=,brn=,lin=N,irs=;st=1,con=1,drm=,ekr=,ccn=,brn=,lin=N,irs=
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: apgOnly:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: useChksums: TRUE
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: premiumShowcases:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: captureRequests:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: menuItems:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: otherDataSets: HDGenre-4|MS_VMPromo06-4|MS_VMPromo06_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo07-4|MS_VMPromo07_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo08-4|MS_VMPromo08_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo09-4|MS_VMPromo09_pmi-4|RM_cleanTvShow-|
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: rbBackgrounds:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: dataGroupList: CR_Standard|DG_standard|MI_Standard|SF_SerialLogging|SW_released
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: lstAvalancheDnload: 0,0 0,0
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: userInitiated: 1
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: End Ident =====================
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Logging camid.
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: CAM_ID not found.
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Ird Id.
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress CL| 30 24
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 CL|30
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 33 14
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|33
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: About to connect to
01/26:14:55:34: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/http_post /var/log/svclog OFF OFF ON
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: about to do TCD411 Call
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/TCD411.send /var/tmp/TCD411.recv 300 ON
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 1
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: reading HTTP header...
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 14:55:35 GMT
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Vary: Accept-Encoding
01/26:14:55:35: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Connection: close
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: Got end of Header
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: TCD411RespCli::readBlock returned: 1
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: Start TCD411Resp =====================
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: errMsg:
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: areaCodeObj: OK
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeAuth: 0
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeNum: 0
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: End TCD411Resp =====================

01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: about to do HServer Call
01/26:14:55:36: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/HServer.send /var/tmp/HServer.recv 300 ON
01/26:15:00:36: /tvbin/TClient: http POST command failed: timeout waiting to read
01/26:15:00:36: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 0
01/26:15:00:36: /tvbin/TClient: Connect/POST has failed, we've warned the user, set status to Failed
01/26:15:00:36: /tvbin/TClient: failed connect - aborting
01/26:15:00:36: /tvbin/TClient: Will kill pppd
01/26:15:00:41: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: Failed ST| 33 14
Saving 'ST|14' to result file
01/26:15:00:41: /tvbin/TClient: writing Failed to LastCallStatus
01/26:15:00:41: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|14
01/26:15:00:41: /tvbin/TClient: TClient login: 1
01/26:15:00:41: /tvbin/TClient: TClient backhaulDone: 0
01/26:15:01:24: /tvbin/TClient: inside TClient
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: TClient: invoking init w/argv=-h -backup
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: writing In Progress to LastCallStatus
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: TClient init: 0
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: dial config code: (127) found
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: matched 127, returning value = 1274560760:
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 29 48
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: writing In Progress to LastCallStatus
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|29
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: Host =
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: Port = 80
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: Phone = 1274560760
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 29 8
01/26:15:01:25: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|29
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
01/26:15:01:32: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find GenreVersion: DataSet GenreVersion does not exist.
01/26:15:01:32: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find LogoVersion: DataSet LogoVersion does not exist.
01/26:15:01:32: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find AffiliationVersion: DataSet AffiliationVersion does not exist.
01/26:15:01:32: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find ShowcaseVersion: DataSet ShowcaseVersion does not exist.
01/26:15:01:32: /tvbin/TClient: mrsigtype=3 mrconnector=7...
01/26:15:01:32: /tvbin/TClient: mrsigtype=1 mrconnector=1...
01/26:15:01:34: /tvbin/TClient: Using error search string: [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
01/26:15:02:08: /tvbin/TClient: encryptLog called with infile = /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz outfile = /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz.bfg keyname = BACKHAUL_THUMB
01/26:15:02:08: /tvbin/TClient: EncryptLog Could not find /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz
01/26:15:02:08: /tvbin/TClient: encryptLog called with infile = /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz outfile = /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz.bfg keyname = BACKHAUL_PRIVATE
01/26:15:02:09: /tvbin/TClient: bfkey = 0xD3C5EA91ED146A4E252C3D148A8F3180
01/26:15:02:09: /tvbin/TClient: Key value =
01/26:15:02:09: /tvbin/TClient: EncryptLog could not super-encrypt the key because key was empty
01/26:15:02:09: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 28 7
01/26:15:02:09: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|28
01/26:15:02:09: /tvbin/TClient: creating keyserver query
01/26:15:02:18: /tvbin/TClient: setting up Ident Block
01/26:15:02:18: /tvbin/TClient: returning messages:
01/26:15:02:18: /tvbin/TClient: getting current software
01/26:15:02:18: /tvbin/TClient: found name = 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/26:15:02:18: /tvbin/TClient: found name = ACTIVE
01/26:15:02:18: /tvbin/TClient: Found 2.5.5-01-1 running
01/26:15:02:18: /tvbin/TClient: getting current showcases
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: getting locationID
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Removing DBS objects in guided setup.
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Current postalcode: 01000
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Nothing found so returning: |DBS-0
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: getting headendID
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: skipping getHeadendIDList on SETUPHEAD call
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: setting up TCD411 block
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: setting area code:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Start TCD411 Request ==================
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: areaCode:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: prefix: {}
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: dialInAreaCode: {}
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: curPhNum: 0
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: objVer:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: tcdId: 0230000601E8783
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: callId: 1327590085
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: dialPrefix:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: dialToneCheck:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: offHookDetect: 1
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: tonePulseDial: P
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: callWaitPrefix:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeAuth:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: callType: TS_SR_ACCEPTED
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: swVerName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: End TCD411 Request ==================
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Start Ident =====================
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: version: 3
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: centerID: 0230000601E8783
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: reasonCode: 6
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: softwareDesc: 468089-51|468071-1|468073-1|468075-1|468077-1|468079-1|468081-1|468083-1|468085-1|468087-1|468090-1|468091-1|468092-1|468093-1|468094-1|468095-1|468096-1|468097-1|468098-1|468099-1|468100-1|468101-1|468102-1|468103-1|468104-1|468105-1|468106-1|468107-1|468108-1|468109-1|468110-1|468111-1|468112-1|468113-1|468114-1|468115-1|468116-1|468117-1|468118-1|468119-1|468120-1|468121-1|468122-1|468123-1|468124-1|468125-1|468127-1|468128-1|468129-1|468130-1|468131-1|468132-1|468133-1|468134-1|468135-1|468136-1|468137-1|468138-1|468139-1|24252-77|24264-362|387715-4|61464-40|24273-54|24294-76|427608-4|24306-72|24337-54|24352-638|24358-36|24380-12|
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: locationID: 01000-0|DBS-0
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: sequenceCookie: 12345678
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: headendID:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: showcaseDesc: showcase0-0
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: inventoryFile:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: waitingCount: 0
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: dialConfig: 127
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: confInfo: 1274560760:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: messageDesc:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: irdbVersion: 317
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: genreVersion:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: logoVersion:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: affiliationVersion:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: showcaseVersion:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: swVerName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: configParameterList: zip=01000,dar=,rcq=,tz=,as=,tun=,suc=
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: sourceParameterList: st=3,con=7,drm=2,ekr=,ccn=,brn=,lin=N,irs=;st=1,con=1,drm=,ekr=,ccn=,brn=,lin=N,irs=
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: apgOnly:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: useChksums: TRUE
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: premiumShowcases:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: captureRequests:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: menuItems:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: otherDataSets: HDGenre-4|MS_VMPromo06-4|MS_VMPromo06_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo07-4|MS_VMPromo07_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo08-4|MS_VMPromo08_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo09-4|MS_VMPromo09_pmi-4|RM_cleanTvShow-|
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: rbBackgrounds:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: dataGroupList: CR_Standard|DG_standard|MI_Standard|SF_SerialLogging|SW_released
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: lstAvalancheDnload: 0,0 0,0
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: userInitiated: 1
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: End Ident =====================
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Logging camid.
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: CAM_ID not found.
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Ird Id.
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress CL| 30 24
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 CL|30
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 33 14
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|33
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: About to connect to
01/26:15:02:19: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/http_post /var/log/svclog OFF OFF ON
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: about to do TCD411 Call
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/TCD411.send /var/tmp/TCD411.recv 300 ON
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 1
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: reading HTTP header...
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 15:02:20 GMT
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Vary: Accept-Encoding
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Connection: close
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: Got end of Header
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: TCD411RespCli::readBlock returned: 1
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: Start TCD411Resp =====================
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: errMsg:
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: areaCodeObj: OK
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeAuth: 0
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeNum: 0
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: End TCD411Resp =====================

01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: about to do HServer Call
01/26:15:02:20: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/HServer.send /var/tmp/HServer.recv 300 ON
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 1
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: reading HTTP header...
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Date: Thu, 26 Jan 2012 15:02:20 GMT
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Vary: Accept-Encoding
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Connection: close
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: Got end of Header
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: read 894 but Content-Length = 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: SvrResp::readBlock returned: 1
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: Start SvrResp =====================
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: errMessage:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: version: 3
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: code: 8
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: softwareList: & chksum#0xA21B48313F015FE3983E3FBD7723B022C9A2A2DA|& chksum#0x8FD09C9E5ADE0E78542EC432313E8655FC34859A|& chksum#0x097F97BA7961DE6916DC88A127007F534B0109FB|
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelPrv: NONE
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelPub: NONE
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelLog: NONE
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelThumb: NONE
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: timeService: NONE
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: sequenceCookie: 12345678
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: inventoryFile:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: noPrivBackhaul: -1
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: serviceState: 4
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: stateExpiration: 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: swSystemName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: infoCode:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: tcdMessage:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: globalMessages:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: keyServer:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: forceBackhaul: 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: publicLogFilter: [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: dbLoadOrder: PG.*
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: regenToken: 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: backhaulDataOn: 1
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: personalDataOn: 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: dataGroupList:
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: End SvrResp =======================

01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: Connect/POST(s) succeeded
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: current AreaCode object is OK
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: TFA is 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: Not overwriting with 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: process411 returned: 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 34 26
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|34
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: ServiceInfo DataGroupList attribute was not sent by the service
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: Setting ServiceInfo PublicLogFilter attribute to [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 34 26
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|34
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul: 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: Setting ServiceInfo ForceBackhaul attribute to 0
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul2
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul3
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 35 21
01/26:15:02:24: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|35
01/26:15:02:25: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress DL| 36 23
01/26:15:02:25: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 DL|36
01/26:15:02:25: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress DL| 38 16
01/26:15:02:25: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 DL|38
01/26:15:02:25: /tvbin/TClient: sw system name 2.5.5-01-1-023 is already current
01/26:15:02:25: /tvbin/TClient: Found message-20000019.slice on disk, skipping HTTP GET...
01/26:15:02:25: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP GET: /tvbin/http_get -U ... 9.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327590085 -d
01/26:15:05:25: /tvbin/TClient: http GET command failed: timeout waiting for data
01/26:15:05:25: /tvbin/TClient: Download failure: 1
01/26:15:05:25: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/http_post /var/log/svclog OFF OFF ON
01/26:15:05:25: /tvbin/TClient: no comm log file to post
01/26:15:05:26: /tvbin/TClient: backHaulDone is 1
01/26:15:05:26: /tvbin/TClient: registerNewSoftware: getting SwSystemName
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
01/26:15:05:31: /tvbin/TClient: Software system 2.5.5-01-1-023 is present and active
01/26:15:05:31: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: Failed DL| 38 16
Saving 'DL|16' to result file
01/26:15:05:31: /tvbin/TClient: writing Failed to LastCallStatus
01/26:15:05:31: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|16
01/26:15:05:31: /tvbin/TClient: TClient login: 1
01/26:15:05:31: /tvbin/TClient: TClient backhaulDone: 1
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Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby millsb » Thu Jan 26, 2012 6:21 pm

OK good, some progress. You need to use 127 or 845: both of those are set up to connect to the altepg server and I can see the calls coming through to the server.

Don't use 001 as this will go to the old server again which is just going to cause more trouble.

The call is failing because something is interrupting the download. It's trying to download a small file (only 14166 bytes) but is failing after 12762 bytes. This has happened several times over the past few days and it's almost always 12762 bytes. Can't put my finger on what might be causing it right now.
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Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Thu Jan 26, 2012 7:04 pm

Ok...progress is a good start!!
I've set the TiVo back to 845 in the way you mentioned...it stays on connecting for several minutes then is failing. If there's any more you need me to do this end then just let me know. Cheers
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Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby millsb » Fri Jan 27, 2012 12:16 am

Can you get telnet access to your tivo? If so, some more focussed testing may help to understand what's going wrong. Gut feeling is that it's some sort of problem on your home network, but I'd like some more evidence for that.

Assuming you can get to the TiVo command line prompt using telnet, can you type in the following command (you should be able to cut and paste it from here):
Code: Select all
/tvbin/http_get -U -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327590085 -d -t 5

The response you are expecting to get is this:
Code: Select all
Fri Jan 27 00:07:53 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
 connecting to
 connected to
Fri Jan 27 00:07:53 2012: getURL: retrieving tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.slice.gz
 opening /var/packages/01000-19.slice.gz for writing
 sending 'GET /tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n
 select-ing for header
data ready on socket 3
read 1460 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 00:07:53 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Last-Modified: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:38:05 GMT
ETag: "2a28b2-3756-4b35af162eacd"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 14166
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-gzip

01000-19.sliceread 1460 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 00:07:53 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Last-Modified: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:38:05 GMT
ETag: "2a28b2-3756-4b35af162eacd"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 14166
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-gzip
found end of header, 1193 bytes remain
Need 14166 bytes of content
Fri Jan 27 00:07:53 2012: getURL: tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.slice.gz finished
 Read a total of 14166 bytes
 Wrote a total of 14166 bytes

Can you run this several times, and in each case note whether or not it worked. If it doesn't work, keep a note of the error message you get (eg it might say "timeout waiting for data")

Can you also type these commands, and let me know the output:

Code: Select all

Code: Select all

(This last one might not work)
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Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:16 am

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Fri Jan 27, 2012 9:21 am

Hi, I got telnet access to the tivo and pasted first command. I tried 5 times and the results were:

1. connect failed, reason = connection timed out
2. timeout waiting for data
3. timeout waiting for data
read a total 1151 bytes
wrote a total of 1151 bytes
4. time out waiting for data
read a total of 3987 bytes
wrote a total of 3987 bytes
5. timeout waiting for data
read a total of 1151 bytes
wrote a total of 1151 bytes

then entered ifconfig

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ifconfig
eth0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:0B:AD:DA:2C:71
inet addr: Bcast: Mask:
RX packets:84710 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:0
TX packets:9662 errors:0 dropped:0 overruns:0 carrier:0 coll:0

then entered route.tivo

TiVo: {/var/hack} % route.tivo
route_info, afname=inet, options=33
Kernel IP routing table
Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface
Illegal Instruction

I then copy and pasted the first command one last time and this is the result:

TiVo: {/var/hack} % /tvbin/http_get -U
dends/01000-19.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327590085 -d -t
Fri Jan 27 09:18:50 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
connecting to
connected to
Fri Jan 27 09:18:50 2012: getURL: retrieving tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.sli
opening /var/packages/01000-19.slice.gz for writing
sending 'GET /tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n
select-ing for header
timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
Read a total of 0 bytes
Wrote a total of 0 bytes

Many Thanks
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Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby millsb » Fri Jan 27, 2012 2:45 pm

These timeouts shouldn't be happening, of course. What's puzzling is that when, briefly your TiVo was trying to use the "old" service, there didn't appear to be any
timeouts. So can you try the following, several times, and see what the response is.

Old service:
Code: Select all
/tvbin/http_get -U -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327497125 -d -t 5

New (altepg) service:

Code: Select all
/tvbin/http_get -U -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327590085 -d -t 5
AltEPG Team
AltEPG Team
Posts: 974
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:16 am

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:06 pm

Old Service - tried it 3 times i think

TiVo: {/var/hack} % /tvbin/http_get -U
15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C
1327497125 -d -t 5
Fri Jan 27 14:50:30 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
connecting to
connected to
Fri Jan 27 14:50:30 2012: getURL: retrieving TMS_UK/content/15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-st
opening /var/packages/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz for writing
sending 'GET /TMS_UK/content/15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\
select-ing for header
data ready on socket 3
read 1418 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 14:50:29 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 00:16:35 GMT
ETag: "3b5efd-b9f9-4a8610752bec0"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 47609
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain

?read 1418 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 14:50:29 GMT
Server: Apache
Last-Modified: Tue, 19 Jul 2011 00:16:35 GMT
ETag: "3b5efd-b9f9-4a8610752bec0"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 47609
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain
found end of header, 1175 bytes remain
Need 47609 bytes of content
timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
Read a total of 4011 bytes
Wrote a total of 4011 bytes
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} % /tvbin/http_get -U
15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C
1327497125 -d -t 5
Fri Jan 27 14:53:52 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
connecting to
connected to
Fri Jan 27 14:53:52 2012: getURL: retrieving TMS_UK/content/15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-st
opening /var/packages/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz for writing
sending 'GET /TMS_UK/content/15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\
select-ing for header
timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
Read a total of 0 bytes
Wrote a total of 0 bytes
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % /tvbin/http_get -U
15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C
1327497125 -d -t 5
Fri Jan 27 14:56:00 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
connecting to
connected to
Fri Jan 27 14:56:00 2012: getURL: retrieving TMS_UK/content/15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-st
opening /var/packages/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz for writing
sending 'GET /TMS_UK/content/15174-1-5/Irdb/IR-standard-v317.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\
select-ing for header
timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
Read a total of 0 bytes
Wrote a total of 0 bytes
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

new altepg service tried 3 times

TiVo: {/var/hack} % /tvbin/http_get -U
dends/01000-19.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327590085 -d -t
Fri Jan 27 14:58:01 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
connecting to
connected to
Fri Jan 27 14:58:01 2012: getURL: retrieving tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.sli
opening /var/packages/01000-19.slice.gz for writing
sending 'GET /tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n
select-ing for header
data ready on socket 3
read 1418 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 14:57:58 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Last-Modified: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:38:05 GMT
ETag: "2a28b2-3756-4b35af162eacd"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 14166
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-gzip

?¾?N01000-19.sliceread 1418 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 14:57:58 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Last-Modified: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:38:05 GMT
ETag: "2a28b2-3756-4b35af162eacd"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 14166
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-gzip
found end of header, 1151 bytes remain
Need 14166 bytes of content
timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
Read a total of 5405 bytes
Wrote a total of 5405 bytes
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % /tvbin/http_get -U
dends/01000-19.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327590085 -d -t
Fri Jan 27 15:00:26 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
connecting to
connected to
Fri Jan 27 15:00:26 2012: getURL: retrieving tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.sli
opening /var/packages/01000-19.slice.gz for writing
sending 'GET /tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n
select-ing for header
timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
Read a total of 0 bytes
Wrote a total of 0 bytes
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % /tvbin/http_get -U
kheadends/01000-19.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 0230000601E8783 -C 1327590085 -d
-t 5
Fri Jan 27 15:01:41 2012: /tvbin/http_get invoked on
connecting to
connected to
Fri Jan 27 15:01:41 2012: getURL: retrieving tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.sli
opening /var/packages/01000-19.slice.gz for writing
sending 'GET /tivo-static/ukheadends/01000-19.slice.gz HTTP/1.0\r\n\r\n
select-ing for header
data ready on socket 3
read 1418 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 15:01:39 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Last-Modified: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:38:05 GMT
ETag: "2a28b2-3756-4b35af162eacd"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 14166
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-gzip

?¾?N01000-19.sliceread 1418 bytes from sock = 3...
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2012 15:01:39 GMT
Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
Last-Modified: Mon, 05 Dec 2011 16:38:05 GMT
ETag: "2a28b2-3756-4b35af162eacd"
Accept-Ranges: bytes
Content-Length: 14166
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-gzip
found end of header, 1151 bytes remain
Need 14166 bytes of content
timeout waiting for data
timeout waiting for data
Read a total of 6823 bytes
Wrote a total of 6823 bytes
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
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Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby millsb » Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:34 pm

So we're getting the same timeout problem in both cases now. That seems to confirm that the problem is either in your tivo or within your home network. It looks more like a network problem to me. Can you:

1) Type the following commands, so we can see what diagnostic tools you've got on your tivo

Code: Select all
ls /bin
ls /sbin
ls /devbin
ls /etc
ls /var/hack/bin
cat /etc/rc.d/rc.net

2) Describe your home network: make and model of router, what is connected to it, how things are connected together (cable, wireless, switches etc)

3) Confirm whether or not your 2nd tivo is currently connected
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Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:16 am

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Fri Jan 27, 2012 3:50 pm

Here's the results from the commands you asked me to input

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ls /bin
asicVersion cpio freeramdisk mkswap sh sz
bash date getprom mount sleep umount
bzip2 dd grep mv smartctl uname
cat df gzip ntpdate sort vmstat
chat driveid hdparm ping stty
chmod du ln rm swapon
cp expect mkdir rz sync
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ls /sbin
badblocks init mke2fs syslog
bootpage insmod mknod syslogd
buildskeleton irbmicro.hex nic_config_tivo tivoftpd
burstd irmicro.hex pppd tnlited
cachectl irprog restart update
cmp irtest route updatekernel
e2fsck klogd route.tivo updateroot
ifconfig ksyms rsh
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ls /devbin
ls: /devbin: No such file or directory
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ls /etc
boot.expect hosts nsswitch.conf rc.d tclient.conf
build-version inittab pap-secrets resolv.conf tclientUK.conf
chat-script install-tivo1 ppp-options services termcap
fstab mtab protocols syslog.conf tivoconfig
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ls /var/hack/bin
arp dir id modprobe sort tr
chgrp ed iicsetw newtext2osd split tty
chown egrep joe nice strace uname
chroot expand join nl su unexpand
cksum fgrep kerneld od sum uniq
comm fmt logname paste tac uptime
csplit fold ls pathchk tail vi
cut gdbserver ls-lR pr tar wc
dd head md5sum rarp tee
depmod hostname mkfifo rmdir touch
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % cat /etc/rc.d/rc.net

if /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/turbonet2.o macaddr=00:0B:AD:DA:2C:71 ; then
export DYNAMIC_NET_DEV=eth0
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up
/sbin/route.tivo add default gw netmask
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

I'll go and check make and model of router and describe home network in a tick

and the 2nd Tivo is connected to the network and has not been having any problems at all
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Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:19 pm

have just double checked the 2nd tivo and it too is now failing to make its daily call ????? It's last successful call was on Wednesday which it completed but has failed since

We have a netgear wireless-N ADSL2+ Modem router DGN2000

we have two desktops connected both wirelessly and another rarely used desktop connected thru the router
One laptop also wireless
2 Tivo's one directly in to router one via powerline socket (the powerline socket one went wrong initially) and have since plugged it directly in to the router which has made no difference
There is an xbox and a wii both wireless
The network has always been protected with Norton

All have been part of the network for well over 6 months and there had been no problems. Is there anything else you need to know about the network?
Almost there...
Almost there...
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby millsb » Fri Jan 27, 2012 4:41 pm

Hmm, "interesting" that the other tivo also has a problem. This might be a red herring, but ought to take a look. For this other tivo can you:
1. Show me the contents of /var/log/Otclient and (if not empty) /var/log/tclient
2. Run the following commands from telnet:

Code: Select all
cat /etc/rc.d/rc.net
ping -c 10
ping -c 10
ping -c 10
arp -a

Back on the first tivo, can you do the following:

Code: Select all
ping -c 10
ping -c 10
ping -c 10
arp -a
AltEPG Team
AltEPG Team
Posts: 974
Joined: Sat Mar 05, 2011 11:16 am

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:07 pm

Info from the 2nd Tivo which now appears to have the same problem:

couldn't get access to this tried via tivoweb but the connection kept timing out var/log/tclient

01/25:13:37:33: /tvbin/TClient: inside TClient
01/25:13:37:34: /tvbin/TClient: No previously downloaded files remain in /var/packages
01/25:13:37:34: /tvbin/TClient: TClient: invoking init w/argv=-backup -auto
01/25:13:37:34: /tvbin/TClient: writing In Progress to LastCallStatus
01/25:13:37:35: /tvbin/TClient: TClient init: 0
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: dial config code: (845) found
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: matched 845, returning value = 08451112111:
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 29 48
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: writing In Progress to LastCallStatus
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|29
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: Host =
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: Port = 80
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: Phone = 08451112111
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 29 8
01/25:13:37:42: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|29
01/25:13:37:43: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find GenreVersion: DataSet GenreVersion does not exist.
01/25:13:37:43: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find LogoVersion: DataSet LogoVersion does not exist.
01/25:13:37:43: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find AffiliationVersion: DataSet AffiliationVersion does not exist.
01/25:13:37:43: /tvbin/TClient: DataSets may not be enabled, could not find ShowcaseVersion: DataSet ShowcaseVersion does not exist.
01/25:13:37:43: /tvbin/TClient: mrsigtype=3 mrconnector=7...
01/25:13:37:43: /tvbin/TClient: mrsigtype=1 mrconnector=1...
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
01/25:13:37:52: /tvbin/TClient: Using error search string: [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
01/25:13:39:45: /tvbin/TClient: encryptLog called with infile = /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz outfile = /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz.bfg keyname = BACKHAUL_THUMB
01/25:13:39:45: /tvbin/TClient: EncryptLog Could not find /var/persist/thumbslog.log.gz
01/25:13:39:45: /tvbin/TClient: encryptLog called with infile = /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz outfile = /var/log/tivoLog.prv.gz.bfg keyname = BACKHAUL_PRIVATE
01/25:13:39:45: /tvbin/TClient: bfkey = 0x1EBF1BE41838E8087BBD80AA4ACDA2F3
01/25:13:39:45: /tvbin/TClient: Key value =
01/25:13:39:45: /tvbin/TClient: EncryptLog could not super-encrypt the key because key was empty
01/25:13:39:46: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 28 7
01/25:13:39:46: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|28
01/25:13:39:46: /tvbin/TClient: end of tidyup
01/25:13:39:46: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress EX| 28 7
01/25:13:39:46: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|28
01/25:13:39:46: /tvbin/TClient: creating keyserver query
01/25:13:39:54: /tvbin/TClient: setting up Ident Block
01/25:13:39:55: /tvbin/TClient: found message 20000002 (localId = 876127), from 1
01/25:13:39:55: /tvbin/TClient: returning messages: 20000002-1|
01/25:13:39:55: /tvbin/TClient: getting current software
01/25:13:39:55: /tvbin/TClient: found name = 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: found name = ACTIVE
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: Found 2.5.5-01-1 running
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: getting current showcases
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: getting locationID
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: Current postalcode: 01000
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: Nothing found so returning: |DBS-0
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: getting headendID
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: getting headend ID List info
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: working on headend: dbobj1109
01/25:13:39:57: /tvbin/TClient: Found TmsHeadendId = UK01003
01/25:13:39:59: /tvbin/TClient: working on headend: dbobj1683
01/25:13:39:59: /tvbin/TClient: Found TmsHeadendId = UK01006
listOfHeadendsWithStations = {UK01003 {854555/-1 854557/-1 854558/-1 854559/-1 854560/-1 854561/-1 854562/-1 854563/-1 854564/-1 854565/-1 854566/-1 854567/-1 854568/-1 854569/-1 854570/-1 854902/-1 854571/-1 854572/-1 854573/-1 854574/-1 854903/-1 854575/-1 854576/-1 854577/-1 854578/-1 854579/-1 854580/-1 854581/-1 854582/-1 854583/-1 854584/-1 854585/-1 854586/-1 854587/-1 854588/-1 854589/-1 854590/-1 854591/-1 876251/-1 854592/-1 854593/-1 854594/-1 854904/-1 876252/-1 854595/-1 854715/-1 854709/-1 876253/-1 854718/-1 854720/-1 854608/-1 854725/-1 876254/-1 854743/-1 854728/-1 854597/-1 854598/-1 854593/-1 854596/-1 854599/-1 854612/-1 854711/-1 854712/-1 854742/-1 854739/-1 854729/-1 854788/-1 854727/-1 854751/-1 854717/-1 854741/-1 854621/-1 854622/-1 854623/-1 854624/-1 854625/-1 854626/-1 854723/-1 854721/-1 854594/-1 854593/-1 854602/-1 854602/-1 854616/-1 854616/-1 854617/-1 854617/-1 854603/-1 854603/-1 876187/-1 854648/-1 854561/-1 854572/-1 854642/-1 854650/-1 854748/-1 876255/-1 854732/-1 876189/-1 876190/-1 876188/-1 854744/-1 854738/-1 854600/-1 854639/-1 854634/-1 854719/-1 854770/-1 876158/-1 854722/-1 876256/-1 876257/-1 854902/-1 854903/-1 854904/-1 854730/-1 876258/-1 876204/-1 876259/-1 876186/-1 854650/-1 854716/-1 854734/-1 854710/-1 876260/-1 854619/-1 854736/-1 854618/-1 854735/-1 854643/-1 854644/-1 854645/-1 854646/-1 854714/-1 854749/-1 854737/-1 876261/-1 876262/-1 854752/-1 876263/-1 876264/-1 876192/-1 854740/-1 876265/-1 876193/-1 876266/-1 876267/-1 876205/-1 876268/-1 876269/-1 854747/-1 876270/-1 854724/-1 876271/-1 876272/-1 854746/-1 854731/-1 876273/-1 876274/-1 876275/-1 876276/-1 876277/-1 854726/-1 876278/-1 876279/-1 876280/-1 876194/-1 854776/-1 854777/-1 854779/-1 854782/-1 854783/-1 854784/-1 854773/-1 854774/-1 854775/-1 854771/-1 854772/-1 876281/-1 876282/-1 876283/-1 854780/-1 876284/-1 854785/-1 876206/-1 876207/-1 854778/-1 876203/-1 876285/-1 876286/-1 854745/-1 876287/-1 876288/-1 876289/-1 876290/-1 876291/-1 876292/-1 876293/-1 854801/-1 854802/-1 854803/-1 854804/-1 854805/-1 854806/-1 854807/-1 854808/-1 854809/-1 854810/-1 854811/-1 854812/-1 876294/-1 854819/-1 854604/-1 854818/-1 854813/-1 876295/-1 854733/-1 876191/-1 854816/-1 876199/-1 876154/-1 876200/-1 876201/-1 876202/-1 854814/-1 854815/-1 876296/-1 854820/-1 854821/-1 854822/-1 854823/-1 854824/-1 854825/-1 854826/-1 854827/-1 854829/-1 854828/-1 876297/-1 876298/-1 876299/-1 854789/-1 854790/-1 854791/-1 854793/-1 876156/-1 854792/-1 854609/-1 854787/-1 854794/-1 854607/-1 854795/-1 854796/-1 854798/-1 854797/-1 876208/-1 876209/-1 876210/-1 854799/-1 876213/-1 876300/-1 876301/-1 876215/-1 876211/-1 876302/-1 876303/-1 876214/-1 876212/-1 876304/-1 854636/-1 854637/-1 854841/-1 854842/-1 854843/-1 854850/-1 854844/-1 854845/-1 854846/-1 854848/-1 854847/-1 854858/-1 854855/-1 854851/-1 876305/-1 854841/-1 854849/-1 876157/-1 876306/-1 876307/-1 854854/-1 854853/-1 876308/-1 854856/-1 876309/-1 854857/-1 876310/-1 854852/-1 876311/-1 876312/-1 876313/-1 854656/-1 854860/-1 854654/-1 854655/-1 854861/-1 854859/-1 854862/-1 876314/-1 876315/-1 876316/-1 876197/-1 876196/-1 876195/-1 876317/-1 876198/-1 876318/-1 854755/-1 854756/-1 854759/-1 854761/-1 854760/-1 854758/-1 854763/-1 854764/-1 854762/-1 854767/-1 876319/-1 854768/-1 854754/-1 876320/-1 854753/-1 876321/-1 854757/-1 854601/-1 876322/-1 854766/-1 854765/-1 876323/-1 876324/-1 876325/-1 876326/-1 854769/-1 876327/-1 876328/-1 876329/-1 876330/-1 854781/-1 876222/-1 876331/-1 876332/-1 854641/-1 876333/-1 876221/-1 876334/-1 876335/-1 876336/-1 876337/-1 876338/-1 876339/-1 876340/-1 876341/-1 876342/-1 854864/-1 854865/-1 854878/-1 854869/-1 876343/-1 854870/-1 854873/-1 854867/-1 854868/-1 854874/-1 854875/-1 854876/-1 876344/-1 854651/-1 854652/-1 854871/-1 854881/-1 854882/-1 854880/-1 854866/-1 854872/-1 854653/-1 854877/-1 854863/-1 876345/-1 876216/-1 876217/-1 876346/-1 876347/-1 876348/-1 876349/-1 876350/-1 876351/-1 854605/-1 876234/-1 876235/-1 876352/-1 854610/-1 854883/-1 876232/-1 876353/-1 854884/-1 876238/-1 876236/-1 854886/-1 876354/-1 854611/-1 854887/-1 876241/-1 876233/-1 876239/-1 876355/-1 876356/-1 876357/-1 854885/-1 876240/-1 876358/-1 876359/-1 876237/-1 876360/-1 876361/-1 876362/-1 854896/-1 854897/-1 854890/-1 876415/-1 854889/-1 876416/-1 876417/-1 854892/-1 854894/-1 854893/-1 854898/-1 876418/-1 854899/-1 876419/-1 876420/-1 854895/-1 854900/-1 854891/-1 876421/-1 876422/-1 876423/-1 876424/-1 876425/-1 876426/-1 854888/-1 876427/-1 876428/-1 876223/-1 876429/-1 876430/-1 876431/-1 876432/-1 876433/-1 876434/-1 876435/-1 876436/-1 876437/-1 876438/-1 876439/-1 876440/-1 876441/-1 876442/-1 854901/-1 876443/-1 876444/-1 876445/-1 876446/-1 876447/-1 876448/-1 876449/-1 876450/-1 876451/-1 876452/-1 876453/-1 876454/-1 876455/-1 876456/-1 876457/-1 876458/-1 876459/-1 876460/-1 876461/-1 876462/-1 876463/-1 876464/-1 876465/-1 876466/-1 876467/-1 876468/-1 876469/-1 876470/-1 876219/-1 876472/-1 876220/-1 876218/-1 876473/-1 854832/-1 854833/-1 876474/-1 854831/-1 854837/-1 876475/-1 876242/-1 876476/-1 876477/-1 876478/-1 876479/-1 876480/-1 876481/-1 876482/-1 876483/-1 876484/-1 854834/-1 876485/-1 876486/-1 876487/-1 876243/-1 876488/-1 854835/-1 854836/-1 854838/-1 876489/-1 876490/-1 876491/-1 876492/-1 876493/-1 876494/-1 876495/-1 876496/-1 876497/-1 876498/-1 876499/-1 876500/-1 876501/-1 876502/-1 876503/-1 876504/-1 876505/-1 876506/-1 876507/-1 876508/-1 854564/-1 854568/-1 854561/-1 854559/-1 854560/-1 854562/-1 854562/-1 854563/-1 854570/-1 854558/-1 854557/-1 854557/-1 854565/-1 854566/-1 854566/-1 854569/-1 854567/-1 854567/-1 854571/-1 854573/-1 854574/-1 854572/-1 854581/-1 854593/-1 854602/-1 876512/-1 1198893/-1 1198895/-1 1198894/-1}} {UK01006 854555/-1}
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854555 last day is 15377 (lastDay=15377)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854557 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854558 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854559 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854560 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854561 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854562 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854563 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854564 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854565 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854566 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854567 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854568 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854569 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:00: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854570 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854902 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854571 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854572 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854573 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854574 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854903 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854575 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854576 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854577 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854578 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854579 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854580 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854581 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854582 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854583 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854584 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854585 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854586 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854587 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854588 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:01: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854589 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854590 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854591 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876251 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854592 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854593 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854594 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854904 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876252 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854595 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854715 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854709 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876253 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854718 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854720 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854608 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854725 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15371)
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SKYLIVIR sId=7200563 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:02: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876254 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854743 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854728 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854597 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854598 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854593 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854596 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854599 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854612 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854711 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854712 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854742 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854739 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854729 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854788 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854727 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854751 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854717 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:03: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854741 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854621 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854622 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854623 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854624 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854625 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854626 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854723 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854721 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854594 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854593 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854602 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854602 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854616 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854616 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854617 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854617 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854603 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854603 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:04: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876187 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854648 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854561 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854572 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854642 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854650 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854748 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876255 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854732 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876189 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876190 last day is 15373 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876188 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854744 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854738 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854600 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854639 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854634 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:05: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854719 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854770 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SONYENT sId=7200706 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876158 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854722 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876256 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876257 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854902 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854903 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854904 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854730 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876258 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=INFOTV sId=7200290 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876204 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876259 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876186 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854650 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854716 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854734 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854710 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876260 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854619 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:06: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854736 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854618 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854735 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854643 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854644 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854645 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854646 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854714 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854749 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CRRENT sId=7200160 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854737 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BENTV sId=7200088 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876261 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=AITINT sId=7200020 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876262 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854752 last day is 15368 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=INFOP1 sId=7200289 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876263 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SONYENT1 sId=7200707 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876264 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BETEU sId=7200089 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876192 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854740 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PROPEL sId=7200433 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876265 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BETP1 sId=7200090 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:07: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876193 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=OPHEAV sId=7200413 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876266 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CONTROV sId=7200155 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876267 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SHOWCS sId=7200537 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876205 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SHOWCS2 sId=7200538 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876268 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=HITV sId=7200277 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876269 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854747 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876270 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854724 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876271 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SUMOTV sId=7200623 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876272 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854746 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854731 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SKY3D sId=7200553 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876273 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=VOXAFR sId=7200678 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876274 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MYCHAN sId=7200386 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876275 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876276 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=OBETV sId=7200708 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876277 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:08: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854726 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876278 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876279 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876280 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MENMOVI sId=7200359 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876194 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854776 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854777 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854779 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854782 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854783 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854784 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854773 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854774 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854775 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854771 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854772 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876281 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:09: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876282 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=STYLEN sId=7200622 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876283 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854780 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876284 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854785 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876206 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876207 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854778 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=WEDDTV sId=7200683 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876203 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=QMTV sId=7200441 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876285 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=AFRICHL sId=7200018 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876286 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DIVA sId=7200190 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854745 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=LUXLIFE sId=7200353 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876287 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BODYINB sId=7200101 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876288 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DIVAP1 sId=7200191 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876289 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=HORSECT sId=7200284 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876290 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ACTIVCH sId=7200013 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876291 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=FITNESS sId=7200229 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876292 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876293 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:10: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854801 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854802 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SMOVSHC sId=7200604 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854803 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854804 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854805 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854806 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854807 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854808 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854809 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854810 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854811 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854812 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MGMHD sId=7200360 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876294 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854819 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854604 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854818 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854813 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876295 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854733 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:11: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876191 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854816 last day is 15368 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876199 last day is 15368 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876154 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876200 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876201 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876202 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MOVIE24 sId=7200368 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854814 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MOVIE24P sId=7200369 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854815 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NOLMOV sId=7200406 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876296 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SMSHCHD sId=7200606 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854820 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854821 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854822 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854823 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854824 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854825 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854826 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:12: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854827 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CINEMOI sId=7200137 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854829 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854828 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876297 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MTVMSUK sId=7200378 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876298 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MTVEIRE sId=7200376 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876299 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854789 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854790 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854791 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854793 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876156 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854792 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854609 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854787 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BOX sId=7200104 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854794 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854607 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=KISS sId=7200341 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854795 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SMASH sId=7200582 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854796 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MAGIC sId=7200355 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:13: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854798 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=QCHAN sId=7200440 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854797 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CHART sId=7200126 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876208 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=VAULT sId=7200669 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876209 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=FLAVA sId=7200235 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876210 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=KRANG sId=7200344 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854799 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=VINTGTV sId=7200674 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876213 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CHAKA sId=7200121 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876300 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=STARZTV sId=7200617 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876301 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BLISS sId=7200097 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876215 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SCUZZ sId=7200531 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876211 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DANCNAT sId=7200162 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876302 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=LAVA sId=7200345 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876303 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NMETV sId=7200405 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876214 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CLUBLND sId=7200141 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876212 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=WTF sId=7200687 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876304 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854636 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:14: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854637 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854841 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854842 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854843 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MUTV sId=7200383 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854850 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854844 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854845 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854846 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854848 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854847 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MOTORS sId=7200365 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854858 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RACES sId=7200447 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854855 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854851 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876305 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854841 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=EXTREME sId=7200220 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854849 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CHELSEA sId=7200128 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876157 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SETIRL sId=7200534 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876306 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SET1ROI sId=7200532 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:15: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876307 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854854 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854853 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876308 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RACING sId=7200448 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854856 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PRMSPRT sId=7200431 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876309 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=LFCEU sId=7200348 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854857 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PRMSPTX sId=7200432 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876310 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854852 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876311 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876312 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PRTIME sId=7200434 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876313 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854656 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BLOOMUK sId=7200099 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854860 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854654 last day is 15368 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854655 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854861 last day is 15368 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854859 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=EURNEWS sId=7200216 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:16: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854862 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=FXNUK sId=7200242 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876314 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CCTVNWS sId=7200117 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876315 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NDTV247 sId=7200389 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876316 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RUSTOD sId=7200472 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876197 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=FR24 sId=7200238 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876196 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ALJAZIN sId=7200024 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876195 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PRESSTV sId=7200429 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876317 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NHKWLD sId=7200395 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876198 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876318 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854755 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854756 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854759 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854761 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854760 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854758 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854763 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854764 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:17: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854762 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854767 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876319 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MILHIST sId=7200361 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854768 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854754 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876320 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854753 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876321 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854757 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854601 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876322 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854766 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854765 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876323 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876324 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876325 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876326 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854769 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876327 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876328 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876329 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:18: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876330 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GODCH sId=7200258 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854781 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=REVEL sId=7200458 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876222 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=WONDERF sId=7200684 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876331 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TBNEU sId=7200629 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876332 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DAYSTAR sId=7200167 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854641 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=UCBTV sId=7200660 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876333 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=INSPIR sId=7200292 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876221 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=LOVEWOR sId=7200351 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876334 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=EWTNTV sId=7200219 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876335 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GOSCHAN sId=7200264 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876336 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=WORDNET sId=7200685 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876337 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=FATHWD sId=7200222 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876338 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=KICCTV sId=7200340 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876339 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BELIEVE sId=7200087 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876340 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=OLIVETV sId=7200410 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876341 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PRAISETV sId=7200709 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876342 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:19: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854864 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854865 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854878 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854869 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NIKEIRE sId=7200403 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876343 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854870 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854873 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854867 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854868 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854874 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854875 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854876 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876344 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854651 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854652 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854871 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=POPTV sId=7200425 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854881 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TINYPOP sId=7200638 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854882 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854880 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854866 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854872 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:20: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854653 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854877 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BABYTV sId=7200038 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854863 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TINYPP1 sId=7200639 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876345 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=POPGIRL sId=7200423 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876216 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=KIX sId=7200343 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876217 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876346 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=POPGRL1 sId=7200424 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876347 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NICTNRE sId=7200401 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876348 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876349 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876350 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876351 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=QVCUK sId=7200446 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854605 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JMLDRCT sId=7200337 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876234 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
Almost there...
Almost there...
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:08 pm

continuation of /var/log/Otclient for 2nd Tivo

01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JMLCOOK sId=7200336 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876235 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TVSHOP1 sId=7200651 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876352 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=IDEAL sId=7200286 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854610 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PRCDRP sId=7200427 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:21: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854883 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PITCHTV sId=7200418 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876232 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RETAIL sId=7200457 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876353 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BDIRECT sId=7200086 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854884 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JEWELCH sId=7200333 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876238 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=IDEALEX sId=7200287 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876236 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GEMSTV sId=7200252 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854886 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JMLHDIY sId=7200338 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876354 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BIDTV sId=7200092 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854611 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JEWELMK sId=7200334 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854887 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GEMTVEX sId=7200254 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876241 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PITCWRD sId=7200419 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876233 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=QVCBEAU sId=7200445 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876239 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PAVERSH sId=7200710 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876355 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=THANE sId=7200637 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876356 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=VCH sId=7200670 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876357 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SPDAU sId=7200611 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854885 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ROCKCO1 sId=7200465 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876240 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JMLCHOIC sId=7200711 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876358 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=IDEALMOR sId=7200712 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876359 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CREATE sId=7200157 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:22: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876237 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CELEBSH sId=7200118 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876360 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SCSHOP2 sId=7200530 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876361 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ENTREPR sId=7200206 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876362 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=B4UMOV sId=7200032 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854896 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=B4UMUS sId=7200033 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854897 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SETASUK sId=7200533 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854890 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=STAR1 sId=7200613 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876415 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=STARPLUS sId=7200616 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854889 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PCNE sId=7200415 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876416 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MTAI sId=7200371 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876417 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ZEE sId=7200696 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854892 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ZING sId=7200700 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854894 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ZEECIN sId=7200698 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854893 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ARYD sId=7200028 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854898 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PRIMEUK sId=7200430 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876418 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MATVNAT sId=7200358 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854899 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ABUDH sId=7200012 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876419 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=STHYOU sId=7200618 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876420 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ZEEPUNJ sId=7200699 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:23: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854895 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TV5EU sId=7200649 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854900 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SETMAX sId=7200535 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854891 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=REDE sId=7200455 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876421 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DMDIG sId=7200195 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876422 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=HIDAYAT sId=7200271 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876423 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ARYQTV sId=7200030 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876424 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=VENUSTV sId=7200672 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876425 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ARYNEWS sId=7200029 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876426 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=STARNEWS sId=7200615 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854888 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=STARGLD sId=7200614 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876427 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PTVGLOB sId=7200436 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876428 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ISLAM sId=7200294 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876223 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CHANNLS sId=7200125 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876429 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GEOUK sId=7200256 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876430 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SABTV sId=7200477 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876431 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SAHONE sId=7200478 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876432 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=AAJTAK sId=7200005 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876433 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NOORTV sId=7200407 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876434 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PEACETV sId=7200416 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876435 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=MUSIND sId=7200382 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:24: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876436 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JAZCHLD sId=7200331 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876437 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=AAGTV sId=7200004 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876438 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GEONEWS sId=7200255 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876439 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=IQRATV sId=7200713 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876440 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ATNBUK sId=7200031 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876441 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=UMMAHCH sId=7200665 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876442 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=COLORS sId=7200147 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854901 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SNRISE sId=7200610 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876443 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NDTVIMA sId=7200390 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876444 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GTVASIA sId=7200267 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876445 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BRTASIA sId=7200105 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876446 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CHSNTV sId=7200133 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876447 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SUPRMAS sId=7200624 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876448 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=HALEBAI sId=7200268 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876449 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PUNJJTV sId=7200439 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876450 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SIKHCH sId=7200539 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876451 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PEACEUR sId=7200417 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876452 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=AHLUL sId=7200019 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876453 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=UCTVS1 sId=7200661 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876454 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CHI sId=7200129 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:25: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876455 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TAKBEER sId=7200628 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876456 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ZEECAFE sId=7200697 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876457 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SANGAT sId=7200479 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876458 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SIKHTV sId=7200540 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876459 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=AASTHA sId=7200006 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876460 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DESHTV sId=7200714 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876461 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=JKPTGME sId=7200335 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876462 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SKYBET sId=7200715 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876463 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SKYPOKR sId=7200565 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876464 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SCASINO sId=7200529 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876465 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SMARTTV sId=7200581 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876466 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DATING sId=7200163 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876467 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GAYDATE sId=7200246 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876468 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GAYNET sId=7200247 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876469 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CHATBOX sId=7200127 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876470 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RENAULT sId=7200456 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876219 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=WATCHME sId=7200680 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876472 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PSYCHIC sId=7200435 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876220 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=OCEANFI sId=7200409 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876218 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SKYINSHD sId=7200717 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:26: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876473 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PLYBYUK sId=7200422 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854832 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ADULT24 sId=7200017 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854833 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RDLTZN2 sId=7200452 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876474 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TVX sId=7200653 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854831 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RHAMAT sId=7200460 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854837 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RHMUMS sId=7200462 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876475 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BABEST sId=7200036 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876242 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RH40PLS sId=7200459 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876476 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BABEWLD sId=7200037 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876477 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GTLUCK sId=7200266 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876478 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=LUSTAR sId=7200352 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876479 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RDLTZN1 sId=7200451 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876480 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RHFETST sId=7200461 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876481 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ELITTV2 sId=7200205 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876482 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CLIMAX sId=7200140 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876483 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=EXTRMUK sId=7200221 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876484 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TOPSHLF sId=7200641 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854834 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TVXAM sId=7200654 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876485 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=TVXBRIT sId=7200655 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:27: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876486 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=DIRTALK sId=7200168 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876487 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=FILTH sId=7200227 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876243 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BLUETUB sId=7200100 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876488 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=UKSWING sId=7200663 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854835 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=VWWIVES sId=7200679 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854836 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=XPXXX sId=7200689 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854838 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PLAYLOV sId=7200420 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876489 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=XXXFRST sId=7200690 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876490 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=XXXMUMS sId=7200692 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876491 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=HUSLER sId=7200285 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876492 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BABES sId=7200034 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876493 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GIRGOWD sId=7200257 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876494 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=AMBABE sId=7200025 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876495 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=XXXGAY sId=7200691 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876496 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RDLTZN3 sId=7200718 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876497 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=HOFTV sId=7200278 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876498 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=LIVXXXB sId=7200350 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876499 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=BLKISS sId=7200098 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876500 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=OTHERSI sId=7200414 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876501 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:28: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=NORTHBD sId=7200408 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876502 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ESSEXBA sId=7200213 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876503 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=RHTV sId=7200463 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876504 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=GRLGRL sId=7200265 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876505 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=ELITETV sId=7200204 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876506 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=CLUBPAR sId=7200142 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876507 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=SPXXXGI sId=7200612 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876508 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854564 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854568 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854561 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854559 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854560 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854562 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854562 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854563 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854570 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854558 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:29: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854557 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854557 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854565 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854566 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854566 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854569 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854567 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854567 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854571 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854573 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854574 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854572 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854581 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854593 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854602 last day is 15372 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: HOLE INFO: station=PUBCHAN sId=7200438 lastDay=15364
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 876512 last day is 15363 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 1198893 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:30: /tvbin/TClient: Station 1198895 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Station 1198894 last day is 15371 (lastDay=15363)
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Last day of programming data for UK01003 is 15363
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: retHeadStr = UK01003-15363|
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Station 854555 last day is 15377 (lastDay=15377)
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Last day of programming data for UK01006 is 15377
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: retHeadStr = UK01003-15363|UK01006-15377|
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: setting up TCD411 block
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: setting area code:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Start TCD411 Request ==================
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: areaCode:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: prefix: {}
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: dialInAreaCode: {}
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: curPhNum: 0
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: objVer:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: tcdId: 02300006023D2D6
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: callId: 1327498663
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: dialPrefix:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: dialToneCheck:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: offHookDetect:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: tonePulseDial: P
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: callWaitPrefix:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeAuth:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: callType: TS_SR_ACCEPTED
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: swVerName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: End TCD411 Request ==================
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Start Ident =====================
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: version: 3
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: centerID: 02300006023D2D6
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: reasonCode: 1
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: softwareDesc: 468089-51|468071-1|468073-1|468075-1|468077-1|468079-1|468081-1|468083-1|468085-1|468087-1|468090-1|468091-1|468092-1|468093-1|468094-1|468095-1|468096-1|468097-1|468098-1|468099-1|468100-1|468101-1|468102-1|468103-1|468104-1|468105-1|468106-1|468107-1|468108-1|468109-1|468110-1|468111-1|468112-1|468113-1|468114-1|468115-1|468116-1|468117-1|468118-1|468119-1|468120-1|468121-1|468122-1|468123-1|468124-1|468125-1|468127-1|468128-1|468129-1|468130-1|468131-1|468132-1|468133-1|468134-1|468135-1|468136-1|468137-1|468138-1|468139-1|24252-77|24264-362|387715-4|61464-40|24273-54|24294-76|427608-4|24306-72|24337-54|24352-638|24358-36|24380-12|
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: locationID: 01000-19|DBS-0
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: sequenceCookie: 12345678
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: headendID: UK01003-15363|UK01006-15377|
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: showcaseDesc: showcase0-0
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: inventoryFile:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: waitingCount: 0
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: dialConfig: 845
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: confInfo: 08451112111:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: messageDesc: 20000002-1|
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: irdbVersion: 317
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: genreVersion:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: logoVersion:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: affiliationVersion:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: showcaseVersion:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: swVerName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: configParameterList: zip=01000,dar=0,rcq=0,tz=,as=,tun=,suc=7
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: sourceParameterList: st=3,con=7,drm=2,ekr=,ccn=20000,brn=AMSTRAD,lin=17,irs=350;st=1,con=1,drm=,ekr=,ccn=,brn=,lin=16,irs=
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: apgOnly:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: useChksums: TRUE
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: premiumShowcases:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: captureRequests:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: menuItems:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: otherDataSets: HDGenre-4|MS_VMPromo06-4|MS_VMPromo06_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo07-4|MS_VMPromo07_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo08-4|MS_VMPromo08_pmi-4|MS_VMPromo09-4|MS_VMPromo09_pmi-4|RM_cleanTvShow-|
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: rbBackgrounds:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: dataGroupList:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: lstAvalancheDnload: 0,0 0,0
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: userInitiated: 0
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: End Ident =====================
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient:
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Logging camid.
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: CAM_ID not found.
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Ird Id.
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress CL| 30 24
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 CL|30
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 33 14
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|33
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: About to connect to
01/25:13:40:31: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/http_post /var/log/svclog OFF OFF ON
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: about to do TCD411 Call
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/TCD411.send /var/tmp/TCD411.recv 300 ON
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 1
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: reading HTTP header...
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:40:33 GMT
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Vary: Accept-Encoding
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Connection: close
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: Got end of Header
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: TCD411RespCli::readBlock returned: 1
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient:
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: Start TCD411Resp =====================
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: errMsg:
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: areaCodeObj: OK
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeAuth: 0
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: tollFreeNum: 0
01/25:13:40:32: /tvbin/TClient: End TCD411Resp =====================

01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: about to do HServer Call
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/tclient_post /var/tmp/HServer.send /var/tmp/HServer.recv 300 ON
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: doHttpCall returned: 1
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: reading HTTP header...
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: HTTP/1.1 200 OK
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Date: Wed, 25 Jan 2012 13:40:34 GMT
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Server: Apache/2.2.14 (Ubuntu)
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Vary: Accept-Encoding
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Connection: close
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: HTTP header: Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
01/25:13:40:33: /tvbin/TClient: Got end of Header
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: read 1321 but Content-Length = 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: SvrResp::readBlock returned: 1
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: Start SvrResp =====================
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: errMessage:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: version: 3
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: code: 1
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: softwareList: & chksum#0xA21B48313F015FE3983E3FBD7723B022C9A2A2DA|& chksum#0xD2661708377EAB6A28D393DD012661229E2FFF8D|& chksum#0xFB68DB676FA8AF6CDAEAF6B9581B34FDC37D80FE|& chksum#0x75BCDBEED3336F796CC83B7B75B859BD4479AFD4&noload|
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelPrv: @
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelPub: NONE
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelLog: NONE
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: backChannelThumb: @
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: timeService: /bin/ntpdate -b
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: sequenceCookie: 12345678
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: inventoryFile:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: noPrivBackhaul: -1
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: serviceState: 4
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: stateExpiration: 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: swSystemName: 2.5.5-01-1-023
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: infoCode:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: tcdMessage:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: globalMessages:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: keyServer:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: forceBackhaul: 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: publicLogFilter: [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: dbLoadOrder: PG.*
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: regenToken: 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: backhaulDataOn: 1
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: personalDataOn: 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: dataGroupList:
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: End SvrResp =======================

01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: Connect/POST(s) succeeded
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: current AreaCode object is OK
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: TFA is 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: Not overwriting with 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: process411 returned: 0
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 34 26
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|34
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: ServiceInfo DataGroupList attribute was not sent by the service
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: Setting ServiceInfo PublicLogFilter attribute to [Ee]xception([^/]| [^P]| P[^O]| PO[^S]| POS[^T])|[Aa]ssert|[B]acktrace|[Ss]egmentation|[K]ernel panic|[D]riveStatusError|[e]rrDbNoMemory
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 34 26
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|34
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul: 1
01/25:13:40:34: /tvbin/TClient: Setting ServiceInfo ForceBackhaul attribute to 0
01/25:13:40:35: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul2
01/25:13:40:35: /tvbin/TClient: starting backhaul3
01/25:13:40:35: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress ST| 35 21
01/25:13:40:35: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 ST|35
01/25:13:40:35: /tvbin/TClient: processing timeService: /bin/ntpdate -b
01/25:13:40:35: /tvbin/TClient: parsed ntpdate args of -b
01/25:13:40:35: /tvbin/TClient: about to run: /bin/ntpdate -b
01/25:13:40:37: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress DL| 36 23
01/25:13:40:37: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 DL|36
01/25:13:40:37: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress DL| 38 16
01/25:13:40:37: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 DL|38
01/25:13:40:37: /tvbin/TClient: sw system name 2.5.5-01-1-023 is already current
01/25:13:40:38: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP GET: /tvbin/http_get -U ... 0019.slice -D /var/packages -T 02300006023D2D6 -C 1327498663 -d
01/25:13:40:38: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP GET: /tvbin/http_get -U ... 8.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 02300006023D2D6 -C 1327498663 -d
01/25:13:40:38: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP GET: /tvbin/http_get -U ... 8.slice.gz -D /var/packages -T 02300006023D2D6 -C 1327498663 -d
01/25:13:40:43: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP GET: /tvbin/http_get -U ... humb.runme -D /var/packages -T 02300006023D2D6 -C 1327498663 -d
01/25:13:40:43: /tvbin/TClient: Executing HTTP command: /tvbin/http_post /var/log/svclog OFF OFF ON
01/25:13:40:43: /tvbin/TClient: no comm log file to post
01/25:13:40:43: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 41 18 49
01/25:13:40:43: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|41
01/25:13:40:43: /tvbin/TClient: Moving Keys to /Setup
01/25:13:40:44: /tvbin/TClient: Found an emergency cleanup file RM-cleanThumb.runme
01/25:13:40:44: /tvbin/TClient: runme signiture RM-cleanThumb.runme.sig not found
01/25:13:40:44: /tvbin/TClient: DBLOAD_START_TIME = 1327498844
01/25:13:40:44: /tvbin/TClient: DBLOAD_START_PERCENT = 0
01/25:13:40:44: /tvbin/TClient: DBLOAD_END_PERCENT = 99
01/25:13:40:44: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 40 17 49
01/25:13:40:44: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|40
01/25:13:40:47: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 42 19 49
01/25:13:40:47: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|42
01/25:13:40:47: /tvbin/TClient: Final result of signature check is 'No signature'
01/25:13:40:47: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 42 19 49
01/25:13:40:47: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|42
01/25:13:40:47: /tvbin/TClient: dbload UK01003_15364-15378.slice...
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: sizeTotal = 538238
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: sizeThisFile = 537375
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: sizeDone = 537375
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: DBLOAD_START_PERCENT = 99
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: DBLOAD_END_PERCENT = 99
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 40 17 49
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|40
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 42 19 49
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|42
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: Final result of signature check is 'No signature'
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 42 19 49
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|42
01/25:13:52:18: /tvbin/TClient: dbload UK01006_15364-15378.slice...
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: sizeTotal = 538238
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: sizeThisFile = 146
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: sizeDone = 537521
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: DBLOAD_START_PERCENT = 99
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: DBLOAD_END_PERCENT = 100
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 40 17 49
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|40
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 42 19 49
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|42
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: Final result of signature check is 'No signature'
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: In Progress IM| 42 19 49
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 IM|42
01/25:13:52:23: /tvbin/TClient: dbload message-20000019.slice...
01/25:13:52:34: /tvbin/TClient: sizeTotal = 538238
01/25:13:52:34: /tvbin/TClient: sizeThisFile = 717
01/25:13:52:34: /tvbin/TClient: sizeDone = 538238
01/25:13:52:35: /tvbin/TClient: Moving Keys to /Setup
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
retrying after errTmBackgroundHoldoff ...
01/25:13:52:42: /tvbin/TClient: SvrResp::process returning 0
01/25:13:52:42: /tvbin/TClient: backHaulDone is 1
01/25:13:52:42: /tvbin/TClient: registerNewSoftware: getting SwSystemName
01/25:13:52:42: /tvbin/TClient: Software system 2.5.5-01-1-023 is present and active
01/25:13:52:42: /tvbin/TClient: updateStatus: Succeeded IM| 42 19 49
01/25:13:52:43: /tvbin/TClient: writing Succeeded to LastCallStatus
01/25:13:52:43: /tvbin/TClient: SendDialupEvent 30 9 EX|49
01/25:13:52:43: /tvbin/TClient: TClient login: 0
01/25:13:52:43: /tvbin/TClient: TClient backhaulDone: 1
Almost there...
Almost there...
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby Roobluie » Fri Jan 27, 2012 6:11 pm

Rest of Info requested

[b]Telnet info for 2nd Tivo[/b]

TiVo: {/var/hack} % cat /etc/rc.d/rc.net

if /sbin/insmod -f /lib/modules/turbonet2.o macaddr=00:0B:AD:DA:2C:71 ; then
export DYNAMIC_NET_DEV=eth0
/sbin/ifconfig eth0 netmask up
/sbin/route.tivo add default gw netmask
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ping -c 10
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=2.245 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=1.094 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.066 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=6 ttl=64 time=1.213 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=64 time=1.616 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=1.260 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=1.327 ms

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 30% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.066/1.403/2.245 ms
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} % ping -c 10
PING ( 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} % ping -c 10
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=31.370 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=30.576 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=32.225 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=53 time=31.614 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=7 ttl=53 time=30.421 ms

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 50% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 30.421/31.241/32.225 ms
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

TiVo: {/var/hack} % arp -a
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface
Illegal Instruction
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

Info from the 1st Tivo that started having problems:

TiVo: {/var/hack} % ping -c 10
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=8.795 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=4.303 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=3.038 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=3.081 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=64 time=3.070 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=8 ttl=64 time=3.234 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=64 time=3.223 ms

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 7 packets received, 30% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 3.038/4.106/8.795 ms
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} % ping -c 10
PING ( 56 data bytes

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} % ping -c 10
PING ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=53 time=39.248 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=53 time=31.917 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=53 time=41.929 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=53 time=32.970 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=9 ttl=53 time=31.593 ms

--- ping statistics ---
10 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 50% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 31.593/35.531/41.929 ms
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} % arp -a
Address HWtype HWaddress Flags Mask Iface
Illegal Instruction
TiVo: {/var/hack} %
TiVo: {/var/hack} %

The 2nd Tivo that has developed problems was a lot harder to get and then maintain a connection to!!
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Almost there...
Posts: 29
Joined: Tue Jun 07, 2011 6:27 pm

Re: EPG Failing to download

Postby DX30 » Fri Jan 27, 2012 10:57 pm

From what you have posted it appears you have both TiVo's using the same MAC address of 00:0B:AD:DA:2C:71. This is generally a bad idea and could be confusing your router. Change one of them, then power off everything including your router and both TiVo's before switch them all on again.

You might find this thread useful.

http://forums.oztivo.net/showthread.php ... ne-network
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