Tivo 'frozen'

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Tivo 'frozen'

Postby maigret » Sun Sep 16, 2012 1:36 pm

1st time subscriber not a techi so excuse. Currently have 2 tivos that upgrade via telephone line. 1 operates perfectly. 2nd giving intemittant problem -becoming more frequent,tivo dials, connects commences download but then all tivo operations freeze, also all tivo operations via remote not working in addition tv picture frozen. Only way to rectify is to unplug from mains reset to upgrade, this action seems to rectify for a short period before returning to freezing. Any suggestions gratefully received Maigret
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Re: Tivo 'frozen'

Postby DX30 » Sun Sep 16, 2012 7:37 pm

This freezing has been seen before with dialup but AFAIK no one has really got to the bottom of why it happens.

I'd suggest trying an alternative phone number and seeing if that helps (personally I found switching from the 0161 number to the 0845 number stopped the lockups).

I believe others have tried connecting at a slower speed (e.g. a dial prefix of ",#019,08450800300,,") although that isn't something I've done myself.

I eventually fitted a network card to the TiVo. If you can do that it is going to be the best solution, although I appreciate it isn't always possible.
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Re: Tivo 'frozen'

Postby maigret » Mon Sep 17, 2012 6:13 am

many thanks for your suggestion will certainly give it a try. Not being a 'techi' will also explore possibility of networking.
regards Maigret
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