For the past few weeks, on almost a (7) day cycle, my Tivo comes up with a blue screen - unable to display live tv. It has just returned again - in the past hour.
The previous occasion was last Saturday morning. I spent all weekend working to find a solution. I first of all followed the five itemised points on the relevant screen.
Item 1. Changing channels several times had no impact. I did check, and found that the IR blaster
was functioning ok.
Item 2. Where my satellite receiver is an Amstrad DX550, I replaced it with a spare unit.
Item 3. Using a spare scart cable, I removed, in turn, the (3) scart leads, to ensure that they were
all fuctioning/seating correctly - they were.
Item 4. I verified the video source by bypassing the Tivo unit.
Item 5. Using System Restart did not rectify the problem.
In addition:
I invoked a "GSOD" - no change.
I changed the PSU - no change.
Bringing down my spare Tivo, (no HDDs fitted), I fitted the HDD from my working Tivo - booted up -had the same problem - no live tv display.
Changed the PSU in this spare Tivo - no change.
Working through most of Saturday and Sunday morning, I was ready to scrap my Tivos - a
heartbreaking decision. Picking/clearing up all the pieces of Tivo on Sunday afternoon, I re-built
my working Tivo back to how it was prior to loosing live tv the previous morning.
On booting up, no live tv. On switching it off, I made one final gesture of checking all connections, found nothing amiss - switched on - I had live tv. I do not know how and why live tv restored itself.
It has continued to work without problems until this morning - once again I have no live tv.
I have gone through all the checks once again - all to no avail.
At this juncture, I must point out that I do not keep the unit on stand-by. I switch it off each night
at 23:00, and switch it on again at approx. midday next day for recording purposes. I have followed this procedure for over (5) years.
The Tivo invariably has always had problems with automatically dialling the daily programme guide - this I do myself "manually" on a daily basis using the 0161 number - this action rarely fails.
I am using the original Tivo EPG on a 500Gb HDD which I produced myself (Hooch) 2 years ago.
So, I am now at my wits end.
I feel that unless some-one can give me a solution, I will have no option but offer the (2) units, plus spare PSUs and (4) or (5) remote controls for "working parts" - this will break my heart.
Searching the Forum and internet in general has failed to come up with a "fix."
The only suspect now can be my HDD - but I would have thought the "GSOD" would have found and corrected any corruption.
Can anyone assist me please.
Thank you.