a_tivo_noob wrote:cheers for the tip - will double check shortly... she could have done anything!!!
Would that change the recorded date though?
Glad you got it sorted. To answer the question - yes, of course
The TiVo User Interface software sorts Now Playing by date. There's nothing anyone outside of TiVo in San Jose, California can ever do to change this! The "sortnp" mod is a hack, and it works by changing all the dates of all the recordings in the Now Playing list, so that
when the TiVo UI sorts them all into descending date order with the newest first, their titles appear listed in various different orders.
(luckily, a recording's date is stored in more than one place, as your "24 hours..." screenshot demonstrates nicely, which is the only reason it's possible to ever put the actual dates back. Otherwise it would be a one-way trip!)
The clue that someone had run sortnp is in those titles
24 hours...
Big blue live
Epilepsy and Me
Family Guy
Hope that helps explain why, it's understandably confusing as all the hacks have to tip-toe around the main interface, there's little screen space for instructions, and it isn't always obvious what's going on.
. For instance, the "sortnp" hack and the "autospace" hack (which shows the space used graphical bar) both share the bit of screen at the top.