Two UK series 1 TiVos free to a good home

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Two UK series 1 TiVos free to a good home

Postby wjlockhart » Sat Jan 23, 2016 12:57 pm

I have two TiVos going free; one has a TiVoNet card and had drives upgraded to ~160G (can't remember the exact figure) - unfortunately it no longer powers up. The other is entirely unmodified and rarely used (still has protective tape on the front of the box). I checked that it still powers up, which it does, although the hard drive (or drives, not sure if it has 1 or 2) sound a bit whiney, so probably need replacing soon.

Also all the bits - IR blasters, remotes (one works, one probably doesn't), and original boxes. I no longer really have the time to keep them going, so I'm giving them away, otherwise they get thrown out. I've no idea what's wrong with the non-working one; it could be just the PSU, or something more fatal.

I'm in Cambridge; let me know if you're interested.


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Re: Two UK series 1 TiVos free to a good home

Postby wjlockhart » Tue Feb 02, 2016 10:25 pm

The unmodified unit has been claimed. I still have the faulty modified unit; it's a Thomson 6020 model. If there's no interest in that I have at least one working TiVo remote control and two IR blasters to get rid of.

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