TiVo is more often than not recording the incorrect channel. Switching channels in Live TV seems like its randomly generating a 1/2 digit number for the channel.
The IR cable is effectively a remote control (like the handset but without the buttons). So the LED on the front needs to point roughly at the IR receiver on the Sky box, which I assume is at the bottom centre of the Sky box.
Does changing channels with the Sky remote work correctly?
(You have 3 possible sources of failure and you will have to identify which one it is: (a) Sky box, (b) IR cable, (c) TiVo )
Yes the skybox is working fine. When watching live tv in Tivo it gets the right channel about 2 times out of 3. When it selects the wrong channel eg if I type 103 then 3-- comes up.
So has anything changed since 2-3 weeks ago? Any new equipment - e.g. new television? Remove the batteries from the Sky remote - does TiVo work now? (I'm looking for interference from other remotes)