Pegasus wrote:Right that's what I suspected... I've customised my dailymail for my own use to allow port number but it's not in the 'published' version!
Are you comfortable with editing program code files on your TiVo?
(Or, alternatively, using FTP to transfer files to/from your TiVo?)
Yes to both questions
I did take a quick look at the dailymail tcl file, but that's wayyyyy beyond my programming abilities. That said, I can certainly follow instructions and surgically "edit where indicated"
That might be easier than sending me your "tailored" tcl file, just in case there's anything else in there that I don't need
Unless the changes are extensive, of course
Phil G
PS It also seems I am NOT receiving notifications when threads I am subscribed to are updated. I suspect the alt-epg forum has an out of date eMail address for me, but I can't see how to change it