healeydave wrote:God knows why these people do it, no-one actually falls for this type of spam, even spam email is so easy to spot, you can delete it without even reading it in almost every instance or am I unique in this ability!?!?!?
As spam is largely free to send they only need about 0.001% of spam recipients to respond and fall for the service or product they are selling to still make their efforts worthwhile. Naturally neither you or I are in that 0.001% but the spammer doesn't know who will be.
Also sadly some people are not able to readily distinguish a spam communication from a legitimate commercial communication. My mother has an elderly female friend who always unfortunately falls for such scams (although fortunately only by post as this friend has not managed to master computers or the internet) on a regular basis and can never ever understand why she does not win the prize draw for £100,000 or whatever that meant she had to purchase some mail order product or other in order to qualify for a "free" entry in the draw.