My father-in-law has been using his Tivo with just ariel but has recently purchased a Sony VTX-D800 Freeview receiver as recommended in another thread on the forum in order to use AltEPG now the service has been turned off in the UK.
I've just been setting this up for him and the Freeview box is working fine when hitting AUX on the Tivo remote but when pressing Live TV, you only get the picture and no sound.
The IR control is also working fine - it's just no sound.
I also tried doing a quick recording and there is no sound on the recording either.
The cables are in correctly as I get the menu bing's from Tivo and the sound works fine from Freeview when I hit AUX.
Any ideas?
Could it be something to do with plugging it into a really old, small CRT TV in my office?