First Run Only under season pass, does this still work?
Just want to make sure I am not doing something wrong.
steveroe wrote:This is covered in the FAQ viewtopic.php?f=8&t=670#A139
afrokiwi wrote:Here is me being stupid
in the FAQ example
I don't see a way on Tivo in create wishlist to enter a star "*" or a bracket "("
TiVo wrote:Press SELECT on
-the letters to spell title keywords
-SP to add a space
-DEL to delete a single letter
-CLR to delete all the keywords
Press PAUSE to add a quotation mark.
Press SLOW to match all endings.
"Star Wars"
Raiders Ark
mrtickle wrote:ps. To crash your tivo create a title wishlist for ** and then do "View all upcoming WishList programmes".
mikerr wrote:mrtickle wrote:ps. To crash your tivo create a title wishlist for ** and then do "View all upcoming WishList programmes".
Haha - that's a cruel trick on the poor ole tivo - shouldn't crash really though.
Handy tip: rewind works as delete on all those ouji board text entry screens.
mikerr wrote:Yep, the VM Tivo is the same, a bit surprising to see noone thought to rectify that in the many s/w revisions we've had over 10 years ...
mrtickle wrote:It happens when you follow the onscreen help
TiVo wrote:... Press PAUSE to add a quotation mark.
....Press SLOW to match all endings
afrokiwi wrote:I cant count the number of times I have gone into that section to add or remove a channel and ended up hitting ADD ALL by mistake then spent the next two days cleaning up the mess.
mrtickle wrote:afrokiwi wrote:Here is me being stupid
in the FAQ example
I don't see a way on Tivo in create wishlist to enter a star "*" or a bracket "("
It happens when you follow the onscreen help:TiVo wrote:Press SELECT on
-the letters to spell title keywords
-SP to add a space
-DEL to delete a single letter
-CLR to delete all the keywords
Press PAUSE to add a quotation mark.
Press SLOW to match all endings.
"Star Wars"
Raiders Ark
When you press SLOW (the button under PAUSE on the remote), a * appears
ps. To crash your tivo create a title wishlist for ** and then do "View all upcoming WishList programmes".
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