Rachel wrote:It's important that people realize we are still in alpha testing even though the entire user base (600+ ?) will be on AltEPG by next weekend!! There ARE warts - prod them gently
I bet that the 600 grows rapidly to 1000 now that the Dialup only people who were cut off on 13th June are out of data and now that the network connected Tivos will also be out of data next Saturday and/or can't record right now unless people make a test call to the AltEPG to set them back to Lifetime.
For instance I haven't even registered my main networked Tivo on my AltEPG account yet.
In fact I would have thought that there would be more than 2,000 machines registered shortly and more in the long term once people who have got other PVRs (eg Sky+ or Freeview HD or Freesat HD) and stopped paying a tenner a month some time in the last three years or so get to hear that they can now be run without paying a monthly sub. Although perhaps I''m not allowing for the potential phone call cost issue as that could work out work out around £5 to £6 per month for a Tivo calling in daily unless the new Exa Networks 01 lines turn out not to be excluded from call packages when those lines come on stream.
I have also half wondered how cheaply an 0808 number could be provided by EXA Networks or Jamie's firm as most Tivos would only need to connect for around 60 to 100 minutes a month after the initial setup call and 0808 calls can be kept down to around 1p per minute in cost for the receiving call party. So £15 to £20 per annum might cover an 0808 sub to get data for a dial up only Tivo if the 0808 line could only support connection to the AltEPG servers and not the internet at large and the total call time per month allowed was limited to say 150 minutes maximum. On the other hand perhaps someone will argue that as a money transaction is involved to pay the ISP for the 0808 service this could be seen as reselling the source EPG data for commercial gain..................
On the other hand if dialup Tivos could be set eventually so that they only called in once a week on an 0845 number then even if that number gets charged and the connection fee is around 13p with BT then say a 10 minute call off peak will only be around 25p in total or just over £1 per month. The main enemy is the ever increasing per call connection charge which is designed to force people to buy an inclusive calls package even though ironically dialup 0845 numbers are usually excluded from call packages in the terms and conditions of most telecoms providers.
Also whilst realising the purist views of the AltEPG creators that they are technically still only in Alpha test they have to face the reality that their service is now going to be used in earnest and that if it isn't reliable very soon it may cause many dialup Tivos still in use to be retired and replaced with another PVR. And ultimately avoiding the retirement from service of all those Tivos is the main motivation of most of the people involved in the development of the AltEPG.