Did you mean to put # June 4, 2011 in the file?
Attached is a merge of your 3.17a with my changes I've made while I've been away. I had been numbering up to 3.22 so this is 3.23b, but back in the real number system it'd be 3.18.
Changelist (revised):
# April 13, 2007 - 3.1.7
# bushman - Glenn Sullivan
# Formatting clean up
# Remove Old Comments
# Bump Rev
# June 29, 2008 - mrt3.1.7
# mrtickle
# include Movies in non-generic processing list
# set generated episode titles (dates) to be Y2K-compliant
# highlight Films and Specials and One-offs in yellow
# Dec 5, 2008 - mrt3.1.8
# mrtickle
# don't update the precious first recording date of an episode you've previous recorded, just because it
# appears in the To-Do list again in the future!
# Jan 10, 2009 - mrt3.1.9
# Add sorting of tracker series lists - click on the headings to sort
# Feb 14, 2010 - mrt3.2.0
# mrtickle
# left align episode titles
# May 12, 2011 - mrt3.2.1beta
# mrtickle
# added handling for whitelists of series that should be left in To-Do list by default
# This allows you to turn processing of Generics ON, to get rid of most of them, but allow a few series of your
# choice to be unticked by default. To use: in the tracker dir create a file called "white_series_whengenric"
# containing the Series TmsIDs to whitelist, one on each line. Do the same with "white_series_whenepisodic", IF a series
# often has bad data (same episode in the guide data, when it isn't really, and the tracker would've deleted it).
# June 4, 2011 - 3.1.7a
# spitfires
# Modified to work with TWP 2.1
# (note: rather than POSTing to /bounce/todo/ we should really modify confirmdelete() in ui_compat but I
# don't want to make any changes to the core TWP code)
# Jun 11, 2011 - mrt3.2.1
# mrtickle
# added checking for existance of whitelist files
# Jul 1, 2011 - mrt3.2.2
# mrtickle
# allowed for old Tribune "MV" and "SP" series to be renamed files, to demark Tribune data as archived for reference.
# Suggestion to users: hand-edit the "series" file to mark the titles of each series, ie add " (Tribune)" to the end of each series title.
# Aug 1, 2011 - merge mrt and spitfire branches
# mrtickle, 3.23a
# merge back in with April 13, 2007 - 3.1.7 release which I missed
# added local version of get_verbose_title so this can be independant of ui2 module
# changed colour of One-offs to dark green
# Aug 1, 2011; later
# mrtickle, v3.23b
# merged 3.23a back with spitfire's - 3.1.7a release.
# Renumbered this back to 3.1.8.
NB: I cannot test this yet, as I am not part of the TmsId testing programme (see my sig for details). Regardless, do NOT update the Tracker database unless your TiVo has TmsIds, otherwise you'll get loads of blank lines in the blocklist files, and the results are unpredictable!
I've been as careful as possible with the merge but nevertheless there may be errors; feedback appreciated.
This has been tweaked to also work with the proposed AltEPG format for TmsIds (currently in testing) which matches Tribune's TmsId numbering system yet without clashing with any existing Tribune TmsIds.
removed: please see
this thread for updated version.