I've never heard of a timing variable in rc.sysinit related to tytool. In fact there aren't any settings you can configure on the TiVo end at all - it just runs tserver. (The only thing that springs to mind is a priority setting, for mfs_ftp not tytool, for inserting recordings not extracting them. That's controlled in mfs_ftp's config file)
You should set Tytool to "double socket" mode - Preferences, networking. Make sure the correct IP address for your PC is in the list shown and selected.
You can sometimes speed up transfers slightly (but not by much) by giving tivoapp less to do. Tune to a channel with no signal so that the MPEG encoder has no work, and pause playback of a recording (don't leave the menu clouds running) so that the MPEG decoder has no work.
I get 2.5MB/s with a cachecard, and I think you should get around 1.4MB/s with a Turbonet card. For extracting, tytool is the same speed as mfs_ftp, and also the .ty files are slightly different between the two sometimes. So as I want to make a DVD anyway without re-encoding, I normally use tytool for extracting.
The only other tweaks I can think of are
1. ensuring that ideturbo is turned off (unless you're using the original 40GB Quantum drive!) - check with
- Code: Select all
bootpage -p /dev/hda
the result it should contain
- Code: Select all
2. hdparm commands to set the drive to full speed. I use
- Code: Select all
/var/hack/bin/hdparm -a255 -A1 -c1 -d1 -m16 -S0 -u1 /dev/hda
but YMMV and you need to be careful what you do there.
If you're using the AltEPG image then both of those should be done anyway.