TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:02 pm

TivoTime wrote:Hi, I'm new here too and excited as I like to tinker !

Anyone know if we will be able to keep our existing recordings with the new image? I have a lot to watch !

Cheers all.

Hopefully yes, but not season passes.
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Rachel » Sun Feb 20, 2011 5:25 pm

Hopefully yes, but not season passes.

What about Wish Lists? I have hundreds of those! :shock:
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 7:35 pm

Assuming we can avoid a re-image, wish lists should survive. Unless we change the genres, in which case genre ones would break.
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby gcobb » Sun Feb 20, 2011 9:33 pm

Tcm2007 wrote:Hopefully yes, but not season passes.

As I have a lot of season passes I will certainly be trying to create a tool to make it possible (or, at least, easier) to transfer season passes. Of course the big problem is passes for series that don't exist in our database but I have a couple of ideas about that.

Anyway, no promises but I will be having a try. But a task for later in the project!

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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Sun Feb 20, 2011 10:29 pm

I've has to rebuild my SP list a few times, I can guarantee it's easier to just recreate them!
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby irrelevant » Sun Feb 20, 2011 11:34 pm

Only if the programmes are currently being broadcast .... :)
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:23 am

A script to re-create them as Wishlists is perfectly possible.
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby mikerr » Mon Feb 21, 2011 1:05 pm

Yeah I have a script to convert SPs to title wishlists - I'll dig it out

Also - the tivoweb backup module can backup & restore wishlists and season passes on different lineups
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:11 pm

The Backup module won't work - it relied on TmsId and that won't be preserved in the change.
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby irrelevant » Mon Feb 21, 2011 2:13 pm

What exactly is the Tmsid, and why can't we preserve it ?
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:07 pm

It's the unique identifier used for a film, series or episode in the TiVo server-side database.

We can't retain it because we don't know what they are!

We'll be creating new ones in the new EPG.
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby irrelevant » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:27 pm

Tcm2007 wrote:It's the unique identifier used for a film, series or episode in the TiVo server-side database.

We can't retain it because we don't know what they are!

We'll be creating new ones in the new EPG.

Oh of course.

Is it not be possible to extract them from the database held on individual boxes? I know it probably won't be complete, but at least it will contain the majority of the current programmes? Might be a bit of work, but if it allows for a more seamless transfer, surely that would be worth it?
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby poppadum » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:40 pm

Is it not be possible to extract them from the database held on individual boxes? I know it probably won't be complete, but at least it will contain the majority of the current programmes?

I was messing about with doing exactly that over the weekend. While I'm not convinced it's going to be practical to keep the same TmsIds, I thought I'd dump what was there just for interest's sake - a full dump of the /Server directory came in at 22MB (but compresses down to 5MB) and there were about 60000 series/episodes there.

But as you say, what's in the guide right now does not include every series that's ever been in the database, or even every season pass I have.
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:46 pm

Plus someone would have to match up the TmsIds to the data in the new EPG.

As unless you fancy doing that by hand, that would just be based on a text search for the programme name.

So you might as well set up a Wishlist?

It's also a bit more complicated for episodic shows, which have an Tmsid which included both a series identifier and an episode identifier. I'd expect that if we use something like the RT, which contains "Series 3 Episode 12" type info, you'd want use that in preference to old Tmisids anyway., as I suspect it's more accurate.
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TMSID Preservation overkill or worth exploring?

Postby Tcm2007 » Mon Feb 21, 2011 8:47 pm

Oh, and if anyone's been running my old Tracker TW module, it will have kept a list of the TmsIds of everything you've ever recorded.
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