dragonlord666 wrote:what I meant was telnet into tivo and set file system to "RW" then open the ftp session to see if that made it writeable. unless there is a way to set the system to writeable from within cyderduck - not much point trying to upload a stream when the file system is locked shut. if the "folder" has a "X" or no entry sign on it I cannot write to it.
You can't telnet in an change the permissions of the directories. There are no directories. mfs_ftp works by being an interface onto the TiVo database which spoofs the FTP protocol, so an FTP client "sees" directories and files. Whe you download a file, mfs)ftp extracts the video form the database and send it to the FTP client, which is none the wiser. telenet in and you will find nothing, because they aren't there.
If you recover your machine (and GSOD cycle is not a positive sign, good luck) try uploading the files into any area where there is no X, the root directory say.