by irrelevant » Mon Feb 28, 2011 12:18 pm
I've commented somewhere on this before, not sure where or which thread now - it's been asked a couple of times.
I can't speak authoritatively for anybody else, but I think the main task in hand is to get something running in order to support the existing UK S1 user base.
Once that's up and running, I dare say people will turn their attention to getting other types of box running on the service. IANAL, but I wouldn't personally like to be actively promoting or selling modified boxes, however, not with VM likely to take an interest. Supporting the existing boxes, I can quite see VM and TiVo ignoring .. Appearing to offer a competing service, though, might irritate them. I think we do need to tread carefully in that respect. That's nothing to stop any individual hacking up a second hand foreign box for themselves, though, to see what works. (I've got an American S1 box that's been in a cupboard for six years that I'm hoping to have a play with at some point, for instance.)
Another issue is that the (seven year old) code I've seen appears to only differentiate between Series 1 and Series 2 TiVos. I don't know if the current one that others are dealing with supports later models.