No problem, sorry it was ambiguous. The last paragraph was more to do with the Tribune data vs our "Standard" data (without TmsIds). If you have this (as I do currently, not yet switched to the TMS-ID enhanced slices) then in the absence of TmsIds Tracker uses the ServerId instead to create one. I've started calling these ServerTmsIds in the Tracker update section (with verbose turned on). These are different to the Tribune Ids (obviously) so a series will be recreated in the "series" file, which is later read in when you select one of these options:
- View Tracking List
- View Tracking List (No Generics)
- View Tracking List (Only Generics)
Tribune TmsIds were in this format:
Episodes (10-digit format): EP0000060100
Episodes (12-digit format): EP010616935029 - they ran out of space in the 10-digit format in summer 2008.
One-off specials: as Episodes, but start with "SH"
Generics: as Episodes, but start with "SH"
Movies: MV7186670000
ServerTmsIds (generated by Tracker) are in this format:
Episodic (episode, movie or one-off special): XE328844897
Generic: XG328844897
AltEpg TmsIds (in TMS-ID enhance guide data, if you choose it) are going straight to the 12-digit Tribune format, but starting from "1" as the first digit to avoid clashing with genuine old Tribune TmsIds.
Episodes & one-off specials: EP1<11-digits>
Generics: SH1<11-digits>
Movies: MV1<11-digits>
If you kept your Tribune history, you would have two copies of each series you track, both called the same thing, but with different Ids in the list. You'd have to follow the links to see which was which - confusing. So, I wanted to label them. On my TiVo I have renamed all the Tribune ones with "<series> (Tribune)" by manually editing the series file, as I suspect many people will wipe the history. Tracker itself labels the AltEPG Standard slice series as "<series> (Server-Tms Ids)".
It's only this label which has changed in this new version, from what it used to be "<series> (AltEpg without Tms Ids)". But this is only done the very first time a series is Tracked. So if you do nothing and keep Standard slice guide data, over time you'll have some of each label. All I meant was: You may like to(
*) edit the series file to change the "<series> (AltEpg without Tms Ids)" ones to match.
Once you switch to TMS-ID guide data, the series should just be called "<series>" in the list, with no suffix. (NB: I would be grateful for someone with that setup to try it out please!)
You can keep the history from all 3 sets of Ids, and refer to it to delete things that appear again in the ToDo list. For instance, I've been doing this with old episodes of QI on Dave. I had a long Tracker history with the Tribune series which now appears in my list as "QI (Tribune)". When I get an episode that's in our AltEpg guide data for the first time, but is old, I read that list to see if I had actually seen it before, then I delete it from my ToDo list and it gets added to the "QI (Server-Tms Ids)" file. When I switch to TMS-ID guide data the same transition will happen again.
So the specifics:
asfafa wrote:If I want to use Tracker 3.2.0-rc6 along with the new Programme Guide with TMSids, what exactly do I need to change? Will I lose all my Tracker history?
You don't need to change anything. You'll keep your history, labelled as above, for reference. However when something that's in your block list with a Server-Tms Ids is shown again, Tracker won't block it automatically - as only the XE... entries are in your block_WU (or the other 3) file(s).
What if I use Tracker 3.2.0-rc6 and keep Programme Data as 'standard''? Do I need to change/update anything?
No you don't strictly need to change anything, other than of course uploading the new module file and new mrtutils file to your tivo and do a full restart of Tivoweb (or Quit then restart from the commandline). But if you want to, edit /var/hack/tracker/series as mentioned above (
If you keep Standard data the biggest thing you'll currently lose out on is the long (not truncated) descriptions. I'm expecting over time people will move to the Enhanced data. If we get the ability to add Original Air Dates in future they will only go into the Enhanced data for example.