After 11 years or so I'm about to retire my TiVo. For the last month I have forced myself not to use it so as to give myself time to get used to the Humax HDR T2 which will take over. It wasn't easy - the TiVo remote just feels so right, the buttons and on screen menus are so natural that even in the dark and after a bottle of wine I can operate it without thinking ( or having to put on my specs ). In comparison the Humax remote and display does feel overcomplicated - it's the difference between TV oriented design and computer thinking.
But..... the Humax is undoubtedly more capable. It does pretty much everything the TiVo does ( albeit sometimes not as elegantly ) and quite a bit more besides. It has HD, twin tuners, rock solid Freeview reception, built in networking and so on. I can't really justify keeping two other boxes running ( TiVo plus its slave Freeview box ). And whilst the TiVo itself is as reliable as ever I'm sick of the constant lock ups and sound drop outs of the Freeview STB.
It's a sad day. I wasn't ready to say goodbye last year when the UK service was shut down so a big thanks to all who kept the service going. But time to move on.....