Daily call failed

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Daily call failed

Postby graham_h_miller » Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:19 pm


Anyone else suffering from this? Our daily call just comes up as number unavailable failed. We've got a network card with an ethernet cable into the back of the router. AFAIK everything's still plugged in OK - last successful call was on 8-Feb.


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Re: Daily call failed

Postby graham_h_miller » Sun Feb 17, 2013 12:23 pm

Doh! The hub is reporting that there are no ethernet devices attached and the 8th of Feb was the date that the whole box crashed and got into a constant restart cycle. We only fixed it by hitting it with a kickstart code 52 which did an emergency software upgrade. But for that to work, it would have had to be on the internet? Or not?


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Re: Daily call failed

Postby millsb » Sun Feb 17, 2013 8:23 pm

Which version of software do you have on your TiVo?

If it's TivoLand build, or one downloaded from the altepg.com server, then kickstart 52 doesn't really do anything useful - it will put your TiVo back to a pre-altepg state, and probably remove all the networking config. But if you can advise which build you've got it may be possible to work out how to recover.

If it's a Tivo-Central build then I don't know whether kickstart 52 works with that - but if it does I wouldn't think it would need an internet connection to do the recovery.
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Re: Daily call failed

Postby graham_h_miller » Sun Feb 17, 2013 9:13 pm

It's a Tivo Central build. I think it was kickstart 52 but tbh the damn thing was stuck in a reboot cycle so we tried interrupting it and using a kickstart code. And I think it said emergency software update on a green-screen before it recovered.

We're currently on version 2.5.5-01-1-023


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Re: Daily call failed

Postby riggs » Mon Mar 25, 2013 7:30 pm


Im getting "failed.Number not answering" message for over 2 weeks using dial up on 01612329094 number.I have Tivo central image and been getting guide data downloads for months with no problems, but suddenly....I have tried clearing all data and am now stuck trying new guided set up on setup call(10-20min) page. i logged onto altepg and checked my tivo in there (set for dial up) and all appears correct, even tried clearing downloaded logs and still no joy.

Any help please?
asap thanks
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Re: Daily call failed

Postby DX30 » Mon Mar 25, 2013 8:04 pm

I don't know anything about the T C image I'm afraid. I can say the 0161 has worked OK for me the past couple of weeks so it looks like it is something your end.

What telephone provider are you with? I ask because many have switched to the dialup unfriendly VOIP (BT hasn't). Sometimes the first you know about the change is dialups start failing. You could try using a dial prefix of ",#096," which has helped others with VOIP problems. The T C website also suggests a number of other prefixes you can try.

It's probably also worth checking the altepg Server Logs for your TiVo for the past few of weeks. It is possible some errors got logged there before it started failing totally.

Finally there are other dialup numbers you could try (see the FAQ).
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Re: Daily call failed

Postby riggs » Mon Mar 25, 2013 11:01 pm

Thanks for your reply

My Software Version 2.5.5+(TH) Tivo Heaven

What telephone provider are you with? virgin

It's probably also worth checking the altepg Server Logs for your TiVo for the past few of weeks. It is possible some errors got logged there before it started failing totally



Above are examples of (A) successful download and (B) failed download. Seems that the only difference is the CODE = 0 OK(succeed) and CODE = 9 (fail)
Last success and failier logs are on 05/03/13, absolutely no server logs since to this day.

Altepg account reads : last call = never. last successful call = never.

Whatever all this means, any ideas?
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Re: Daily call failed

Postby millsb » Wed Mar 27, 2013 12:30 am

Looks like this problem started happening on 7th February. Between then and 5th March your TiVo has tried to make a call 53 times, but only 4 of these calls got through. When the call as got through TiVo has succeeded in downloading all the guide data. CODE=9 just means "number not answering" so this doesn't really help. (NB "last call = never. last successful call = never." is simply a consequence of clearing the server logs - the last 4 successful calls were actually on 14 Feb, 23 Feb, 1 Mar and 5 Mar).

This all sounds like a simple problem with the phone connection - perhaps a loose cable. Did you do anything on 7th Feb that could have precipitated this? It might be that the TiVo modem is failing, but on balance I doubt that. I see you have another (networked) TiVo registered. Could you use that to test out the phone line? Just running a test call a few times should be enough to determine whether the line's reliable.
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