AltEpg disk failed

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AltEpg disk failed

Postby BlueSL » Sat Jan 07, 2017 7:34 pm

My hard drive with AltEpg has failed and I cannot find any source for a replacement.

I downloaded the bootable ISO, burned a CD and although the PC boots using it, there is a message saying there is a missing file system, something like Knossos?, and there is no sign of the scripts to build a new hard drive.

Can anyone help, either to explain how to use the CD or sell me a hard drive with the altepg image already installed.

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Re: AltEpg disk failed

Postby DX30 » Sun Jan 08, 2017 5:35 pm

The problem with the CD is likely to be down to the PC you are using. The version of linux it uses is old so doesn't have support for most of the PCs sold in the past 10 years or so. If you can find an old IDE only PC from circa 2002 that is your best chance of the CD working.

Some people have had better luck using mfslive on newer PCs, see viewtopic.php?f=16&t=1428&p=14344&hilit=mfslive#p14345

The difficulty here is sourcing a copy of the mfslive cd since the website disappeared. You could try the wayback machine but it isn't something I can vouch for ... f=9&t=1121

I don't think any of the UK TiVo websites are still in business so buying a new imaged drive from them isn't an option. So if the old PC or mfslive options don't pan out maybe a forum member with a suitable setup will prep a drive for you.
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Re: AltEpg disk failed

Postby BlueSL » Fri Jan 13, 2017 7:24 pm

Thanks for the helpful reply. I wish I hadn't dumped all those old PCs!
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Re: AltEpg disk failed

Postby positor1 » Sat Jan 21, 2017 11:44 am

I can image your drive if you are close to Gloucester?
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