I run 3 tivos for family and self and have them set to send daily email ..
Nothing received this past two days,
Is there anything likely to have caused this?
tail -n100 /var/log/dailymail_jazz.log
Pegasus wrote:Did you check the dailymail log on one of the TiVos?
Pegasus wrote:Looks like GMX have changed their policy rules and have started bouncing them:
May 28 06:54:38 status=bounced
(host mx00.gmx.net[] said:
554-Transaction failed
554-Reject due to policy restrictions.
554 For explanation visit https://www.gmx.net/mail/senderguidelin ... 1.205&c=hd
Pegasus wrote:That sounds familiar...but log-in again now - I may have just moved them across for you (fingers crossed)
No problem. It's just one more thing to rememberMy forum and altepg usernames are now different .. don't know how important that is .
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