Re #1:
there is a green light at the port on router.
Ok so that means your TiVo's networking is physically working. But we have no idea what IP address it is using. Hmm...
There is no sign of a TiVo with your serial number contacting the server, so either it hasn't been configured for AltEPG (so is still trying to contact Tivo Inc for data), or your router isn't allowing it access out to the internet.
You could try to 'ping' which is an alternative address some people use for their TiVos.
Re #2:
The 320GB disk is a Seagate. Seagate have what we call the 'clunk of death' when they fail; which your clicking suggests. Not sure about "beeping" - I've not heard that before.
So it seems likely your disc has expired.