Pete77 wrote:TCM2007 seems to have taken a unilateral decision that it will in his view be much easier for us to all to have to recreate all our Season Passes and imposed this view on his fellow AltEPG project members even though TCM2007 of course no longer uses a Tivo himself.
That is neither fair nor correct. First, TCM2007 has not been involved in the detailed work but his help, encouragement, experience and recollection of issues has been very useful to the team. Secondly, TCM2007 did not create any of the code involved in this situation -- it is a result of using the OzTivo code, which never had preserving SPs as a goal and which is too hard to modify to achieve that goal. Thirdly it is
not TCM2007's fault that we have been unable to preserve SPs -- if it is anyone's fault it is mine -- I had a go but it was too hard and far too risky. Unfortunately, we are better off allowing the Tivo to delete all the IDs it was previously using and not reusing them (because bad things happen if we somehow end up giving two objects the same ID).
TCM2007 and I did disagree over whether it was worth preserving SPs but that has had
nothing to do with the current situation. Whether he was right or not that it was not even desirable, he was certainly right that it was too hard to do.
I still have a vague idea that I might take my backed up SPs and try to create a script which will watch for the programs to appear in the database and automatically create a new SP for them. However, this is a longer term project -- at the moment I am trying to help get the service just working as well as we can. So, if you have a lot of SPs I recommend taking a backup in case we ever find a way to do anything useful with it. But you cannot restore it with the new data.