AltEPG and beyond?

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AltEPG and beyond?

Postby dmd » Mon Jun 06, 2011 10:34 pm

I am sure that this question has been asked before.

Does the introduction of AltEPG pave the way to a new age of UK TiVos? For the last few years we have all been lamenting the withdrawal of TiVo from the UK and wishing for something better. We had a glimmer of hope when the twin tuner PAL TiVo was released in Aus, but sadly this didn't make it to the UK. So now, is there a possibility of using the Aus TiVo with AltEPG? I am sure that it would be easy enough to source new or second-hand TiVos from Australia if they could be made to work with AltEPG. To the unitiated it sounds like the next logical step.

Has this already been considered? Is it possible?

I expect many people would be prepared to pay for this service in some way, myself included, so perhaps there is a commercial motivation to make this work.
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Re: AltEPG and beyond?

Postby afrokiwi » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:43 am

I would pay for that :-) ... but as a KiWi i would rather source a New Zealand one ...
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Re: AltEPG and beyond?

Postby Rachel » Tue Jun 07, 2011 7:44 am

No I don't think so - there are just too many constraints involved (not the least of which is the proprietary Tivo software!). I think time would be better spent in adding the features which the likes of Myth TV currently lack (but are in tivo) and improving their GUIs to make them more intuitive (like the tivo!).
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Re: AltEPG and beyond?

Postby Heuer » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:18 am

Actually I think it does! The later generation machines are harder to hack and would need a change to the EPROM to get them to work with AltEPG, so not really doable at home. However if an enterprising TiVo specialist was prepared to invest in the necessary kit, hoover up some s/h S3 TiVo's via other markets they could be offered in the UK as ready to go. They may not be cheap but they should work based on my research.
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Re: AltEPG and beyond?

Postby dmd » Tue Jun 07, 2011 11:34 am

Blowing EPROMs is not difficult with some fairly cheap kit (I have done dozens back in the 80s), and the actual EPROMs are pennies. The EPROMs could be produced and sold, and it is certainly not difficult for home users to install them.

Might even be necessary to take a trip to Australia and/or New Zealand to source a container load of TiVos. Oh the hardship! :D
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