User Purge - Apologies if your affected

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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby The maverick » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:02 pm

Elijay wrote:Hello from Portsmouth. A few hiccups getting the latest programme guide because the line busy but it gets there in the end.

So can we use it now

(from one who has just dicovered the joys of wishlists and tivos suggestions thourgh these threads, and also that I could delete my 350 season passes and start again!)
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby MrShades » Fri Jun 10, 2011 9:21 pm

I'm still alive in Swindon (but originally from Evesham for the benefit of whoever stated that earlier!)

Keep up the good work - whilst I've got a VM TiVo now my fully modded S1 plods on and is still on (network) updates from TiVo Inc but waiting eagerly to switch across to AltEPG

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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby robti » Sat Jun 11, 2011 7:08 am

Well hello from sunny Scotland NOT, just to say thanks for all the hard work you lot have been doing, lifetime sub and a disconnected monthly here and as they are not the main viewing boxes i upgraded both to altepg and both are running fine

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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby MikeCaine » Mon Jun 13, 2011 10:31 am

Hi, genuine user, just wondering what to do.
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby Pete77 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:08 am

MikeCaine wrote:Hi, genuine user, just wondering what to do.

Keep using the official Tivo/Tribune EPG for now but switch to the AltEPG if and when the worst happens and Tivo actually discontinues service would be my advice.

You have to enter a dial prefix under phone options on your Tivo and rerun Guided Setup in order to change over to the AltEPG. But as the AltEPG is still experimental and is ironing out various bugs and does not have data for as many days ahead as the official Tivo/Tribune EPG then why switch EPGs before you actually have to............
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby mikerr » Tue Jun 14, 2011 9:45 am

Pete77 wrote:Keep using the official Tivo/Tribune EPG for now but switch to the AltEPG if and when the worst happens and Tivo actually discontinues service would be my advice.

The official tivo dialin number was finally turned off last night.
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby Pete77 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 10:46 am

mikerr wrote:The official tivo dialin number was finally turned off last night.

I can confirm that my dialup Tivo shows Failed and Not Answered for its Daily Call at 11.56pm last night (June 13th) and also does the same thing if I try to force a Daily Call now.

My networked cachecarded Tivo shows a successful daily call at 8pm last night and also made a successful daily call when I forced a daily call just now even though no new data was yet available to collect for today.

You might have thought they would have at least avoided the 13th as switch off day! I wonder if they will ever bother blocking daily call access by networked card as a method that is not officially supported.
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby IBP » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:24 am

Pete77 wrote:I wonder if they will ever bother blocking daily call access by networked card as a method that is not officially supported.

If they don't then could be a valuable source of EPG data for the altepg team! (Assuming of course it is easy to convert/pass on)
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby healeydave » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:39 am

Hehe, yes we could use their slices, but one suspects that if Tivo were happy to go on populating their servers with UK S1 guide data, users would simply carry on using the official service via its "unofficial" route rather than AltEPG.

Especially because it would be just as easy to modify dial-up Tivo's to use an alternative Internet point of presence (like the current exa-networks 0845 number) but still route to Tivo Inc's IP to get the data!

In fact if any Official TiVo Dial-Up users with an unmodified image want to try that out today, all you need to do is put the Exa-Networks 0845 number in your dial-string and force a daily call. What should happen is your call will connect to the Internet via Exa-Networks instead of the old discontinued number, but since your tclientUK.conf file still points to Tivo Inc's server, it should download fine just like the networked Tivo's currently are.
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby Pete77 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 11:47 am

healeydave wrote:Hehe, yes we could use their slices, but one suspects that if Tivo were happy to go on populating their servers with UK S1 guide data, users would simply carry on using the official service via its "unofficial" route rather than AltEPG.

In fact if any Official TiVo Dial-Up users with an unmodified image want to try that out today, all you need to do is put the Exa-Networks 0845 number in your dial-string and force a daily call. What should happen is your call will connect to the Internet via Exa-Networks instead of the old discontinued number, but since your tclientUK.conf file still points to Tivo Inc's server, it should download fine just like the networked Tivo's currently are.

I'm sure that your NDA Crystal Ball in theory already gives you the answer on all of the above.

Although perhaps in the unknown in the equation is how similar or identical in format to the Tivo S1 data the EPG data sitting on the Tivo servers for the new Virgin Media S4 series actually is.

However we need to look at the fact that what seems to be driving this whole S1 termination process is not saving money but giving Virgin a UK exclusive over the Tivo brand. On that basis they will also want the networked S1 Tivos to be cut off too.
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby mikerr » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:03 pm

Pete77 wrote:However we need to look at the fact that what seems to be driving this whole S1 termination process is not saving money but giving Virgin a UK exclusive over the Tivo brand. On that basis they will also want the networked S1 Tivos to be cut off too.

networked S1 tivos don't officially exist - so nothing to turn off ;)

healeydave wrote:In fact if any Official TiVo Dial-Up users with an unmodified image want to try that out today, all you need to do is put the Exa-Networks 0845 number in your dial-string and force a daily call. What should happen is your call will connect to the Internet via Exa-Networks instead of the old discontinued number, but since your tclientUK.conf file still points to Tivo Inc's server, it should download fine just like the networked Tivo's currently are.

That won't work unless you also edit the pppoptions and pap-secrets....

the UUNET numbers may still work though:

0845 0885336
0800 2795740
0845 0810054
0808 1050026
Last edited by mikerr on Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:05 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby healeydave » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:04 pm

mikerr wrote:That won't work unless you also edit the pppoptions and pap-secrets....

Oh yeah, my bad.
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby Pete77 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:11 pm

mikerr wrote:the UUNET numbers may still work though:

0845 0885336
0800 2795740
0845 0810054
0808 1050026


I can't believe that you won't have already tried all of those. Even I with my pathological hatred of 084/7 numbers am willing to giving the 0800 and the 0808 number a try. :wink:
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby Pete77 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:18 pm

Pete77 wrote:0800 2795740

Its answered and has modem tone but the test call fails at Connecting...............
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Re: User Purge - Apologies if your affected

Postby Pete77 » Tue Jun 14, 2011 12:33 pm

Pete77 wrote:Its answered and has modem tone but the test call fails at Connecting...............

Same thing for 0808 1050026 too.
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