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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Pete77 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:07 am

mikerr wrote:on topic:

Well the old EPG isn't there anymore - so this thread's relevence has finished :D

This topic's relevance is not finished yet.. My main Tivo is still running on Old EPG data after a test call to the AltEPG to reverse its Account Closed status before then disconnecting it from the outside world again. This Old EPG data doesn't actually run out on any channel until the early hours of Saturday morning and doesn't run out completely for two more weeks.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby ByTheCringe » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:10 am

True, but I'm sure no-one wants to watch this continuos stream of childish taunts and insults. No forum should allow it.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Pete77 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:14 am

ByTheCringe wrote:True, but I'm sure no-one wants to watch this continuos stream of childish taunts and insults. No forum should allow it.

I was trying to get us back on topic in the previous post but now you choose to try to divert us back again to the very world of petty squabbling that you complained about even though you have just said this matter should only be discussed in something called Pete's thread (a thread I did not start and never have and never will participate in).:roll:
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby ByTheCringe » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:27 am

Pete, I should have quoted mikerr's post, It was that post I was saying "true" to, not yours, which got in between.

I started Pete's Thread to get people off this thread when all they wanted to do was discuss personal matters relating to yourself. The situation had got bloody ridiculous, and other people agreed.

As for this thread's topic, yes, I'm also using the old EPG data still, but there's not much to discuss.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Pete77 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 10:34 am

ByTheCringe wrote:As for this thread's topic, yes, I'm also using the old EPG data still, but there's not much to discuss.

Perhaps you are still using it until the last possible moment because like many of us here you perhaps share the sentiments expressed in Dylan Thomas's famous poem in relation the last few flickering moments of the official Tivo/Tribune UK EPG:-


Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rage at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby ByTheCringe » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:12 am

Pete77 wrote:
ByTheCringe wrote:As for this thread's topic, yes, I'm also using the old EPG data still, but there's not much to discuss.

Perhaps you are still using it until the last possible moment because like many of us here you perhaps share the sentiments expressed in Dylan Thomas's famous poem in relation the last few flickering moments of the official Tivo/Tribune UK EPG:-


Hmm, Nice choice of poem.

Afraid the reasons I am still on the old EPG are more prosaic. My TiVo cannot record, and all I use it for is to select programmes to set up on my Sky +HD box. I would like to use the AltEPG, but don't have the urgency of most others. I have 6 Humax Freeview recorders, so I only need the Sky channel data. Up until the arrival of the 60 0845 lines, I felt I was doing some good by not clogging up the 01274 line. But now, I will use either them or the 0161 number, after it arrives.

But I can't help commenting on the AltEPG progress. From the outside, things look a bit bleak. I have tried asking for weekly progress details, so far without success. The impression given is that most people can get the data, although there are only about four days of it (understandable in Alpha testing). But there are quite a few reports of indexing or other data processing errors, and, most worrying, reports of slow downloading. Certainly, the situation is not inviting, and I count myself lucky that I don't need to jump onboard yet. When things get sorted, I shall be as grateful as the next man for the work that has been done to make this work. Meanwhile, I am transferring to e-billing for my phone line, so that I can check which option, if any, will be free with my anytime phone package.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Pete77 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:39 am

ByTheCringe wrote:My TiVo cannot record, and all I use it for is to select programmes to set up on my Sky +HD box.

Presumably your Tivo "cannot" record only because you are not providing it with a program source that it could record from and not because it is broken and does not have recording functionality.

I have 6 Humax Freeview recorders

Do you run a small upmarket private hotel or do you simply have one of the UK's largest families. :shock:

But I can't help commenting on the AltEPG progress. From the outside, things look a bit bleak. I have tried asking for weekly progress details, so far without success. The impression given is that most people can get the data, although there are only about four days of it (understandable in Alpha testing). But there are quite a few reports of indexing or other data processing errors, and, most worrying, reports of slow downloading.

There is a rather strong attitude from at least some of the AltEPG developers (definitely not all of them as I have found some of their posts very constructive) that we are volunteers so we will do things whatever way we want at whatever speed we want and you are damn lucky to be getting anything at all. As opposed to "this may be a volunteer project but we are going to make damn sure that it is even better than the original because as we are unpaid we are far more dedicated to the job than people who just do it for money".

Their eye unfortunately does not appear to be focused clearly enough on the ball of Tivo's full EPG data ending for everyone this Saturday morning and that being a key moment at which many people will soon afterwards decide either to carry on with their S1 Tivo or consider other options. Instead the attitude seems to be "we will take as long as we need and if it takes six or twelve more months then that is how long it will take".

In their favour however is that we are at the start of the summer holiday period when a tv recorder is usually least important to most of us. So the key moment will arrive in my opinion from October onwards as the days are shortening and getting cold and people look towards their tvs the most to brighten up their day. If our Tivos are still no longer the reliable and superior beasts that they once were at that stage then people will definitely begin to look elsewhere in terms of PVR solutions.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby ByTheCringe » Wed Jun 29, 2011 11:55 am

Pete77 wrote:
ByTheCringe wrote:My TiVo cannot record, and all I use it for is to select programmes to set up on my Sky +HD box.

Presumably your Tivo "cannot" record only because you are not providing it with a program source that it could record from and not because it is broken and does not have recording functionality.

No, the input circuitry failed in April.

I have 6 Humax Freeview recorders

Do you run a small upmarket private hotel or do you simply have one of the UK's largest families. :shock:

I'm a telly addict, and I don't find it difficult to keep six occupied.

But I can't help commenting on the AltEPG progress. From the outside, things look a bit bleak. I have tried asking for weekly progress details, so far without success. The impression given is that most people can get the data, although there are only about four days of it (understandable in Alpha testing). But there are quite a few reports of indexing or other data processing errors, and, most worrying, reports of slow downloading.

There is a rather strong attitude from at least some of the AltEPG developers (definitely not all of them as I have found some of their posts very constructive) that we are volunteers so we will do things whatever way we want at whatever speed we want and you are damn lucky to be getting anything at all. As opposed to "this may be a volunteer project but we are going to make damn sure that it is even better than the original because as we are unpaid we are far more dedicated to the job than people who just do it for money".

Their eye unfortunately does not appear to be focused clearly enough on the ball of Tivo's full EPG data ending for everyone this Saturday morning and that being a key moment at which many people will soon afterwards decide either to carry on with their S1 Tivo or consider other options. Instead the attitude seems to be "we will take as long as we need and if it takes six or twelve more months then that is how long it will take".

In their favour however is that we are at the start of the summer holiday period when a tv recorder is usually least important to most of us. So the key moment will arrive in my opinion from October onwards as the days are shortening and getting cold and people look towards their tvs the most to brighten up their day. If our Tivos are still no longer the reliable and superior beasts that they once were at that stage then people will definitely begin to look elsewhere in terms of PVR solutions.

Oh, well that isn't what comes over, they seem to be doing their best, but they're hitting real problems.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby spitfires » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:02 pm

Pete77 wrote:So the key moment will arrive in my opinion from October onwards as the days are shortening and getting cold and people look towards their tvs the most to brighten up their day. If our Tivos are still no longer the reliable and superior beasts that they once were at that stage then people will definitely begin to look elsewhere in terms of PVR solutions.

Other guide data solutions exist for the UK S1 TiVo (and have done for many years)
(lest anyone claim they binned their TiVo because of AltEPG).
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby mrtickle » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:05 pm

Sincere apologies to ByTheCringe and others for responding here, but I had to set the record straight (again) :roll:

Pete77 wrote:There is a rather strong attitude from at least some of the AltEPG developers (definitely not all of them as I have found some of their posts very constructive) that we are volunteers so we will do things whatever way we want at whatever speed we want and you are damn lucky to be getting anything at all. As opposed to "this may be a volunteer project but we are going to make damn sure that it is even better than the original because as we are unpaid we are far more dedicated to the job than people who just do it for money".

1. Obviously I don't agree with your inflammatory remarks.
2. Yet again I have to remind you that those two opposite extremes are not the only two possibilities, no matter how many times you present them as such. Please re-read the announcement threads and FAQs.

Pete77 wrote:Their eye unfortunately does not appear to be focused clearly enough on the ball of Tivo's full EPG data ending for everyone this Saturday morning and that being a key moment at which many people will soon afterwards decide either to carry on with their S1 Tivo or consider other options. Instead the attitude seems to be "we will take as long as we need and if it takes six or twelve more months then that is how long it will take".

1. Nope, I don't agree.
2. Which part of "People are doing their best" are you having difficult with? "not appear to be focused clearly enough on the ball"?! Good grief. There is a rather strong attitude from you of "you're not trying hard enough / delivering early enough" which has the opposite of helping.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Pete77 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:11 pm

spitfires wrote:Other guide data solutions exist for the UK S1 TiVo (and have done for many years)
(lest anyone claim they binned their TiVo because of AltEPG).

So then why are most of us on here other than a very small number of Tivo owning IT cognoscenti (which you are clearly one of) wholly unaware of them and why are none of us regular Tivo users making use of them rather than instead hoping for the best from the AltEPG project.

I think you probably mean there are theoretically other guide data solutions available but to utilise them would require holding a PhD in computer studies and having many, many hours of free time available to work out how to feed the guide data in to the Tivo and create database entries for new series etc, etc.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby spitfires » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:18 pm

Pete77 wrote:
spitfires wrote:Other guide data solutions exist for the UK S1 TiVo (and have done for many years)

So then why are most of us on here other than a very small number of Tivo owning IT cognoscenti (which you are clearly one of) wholly unaware of them

Because you couldn't be bothered to get off your ar*e and search the internet for them?

You are obviously someone who wants everything spoon-fed to them and isn't prepared to do any leg-work yourself.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Brother52 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:36 pm

Given that the official TiVo/Tribune EPG is no longer still being served - mods, can we please close this thread? :!:

(edited for clarity and the benefit of resident pedants :roll: )
Last edited by Brother52 on Wed Jun 29, 2011 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Pete77 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:37 pm

spitfires wrote:Because you couldn't be bothered to get off your ar*e and search the internet for them?

You are obviously someone who wants everything spoon-fed to them and isn't prepared to do any leg-work yourself.

And you have the gall to accuse some of my posts of being inflammatory when you have always had one of the most inflammatory and aggressive posting styles I have come across on both this forum and tivocommunity since you first turned up less than a year ago (I'm not sure where exactly you were lurking before that time?).

I tried a Google search for "series 1" tivo uk epg and guess what on the first five pages of results there was nothing mentioned other than the death of the official S1 service and the creation of AltEPG. So if this alternative exists it is certainly extremely keen to hide its light under a bushel perhaps because until very recently it would also have been actively aiding and abetting those who wished to commit service theft rather than buy the official Tivo UK EPG.

Also how come nobody other than you has ever mentioned the existence of these alternatives to AltEPG on this forum where it isn't banned to discuss them unlike over on tivocommunity where it is.

Brother52 wrote:Given that the old EPG is no longer still (t)here - mods, can we please close this thread? :!:

It is still there. I am still using it along with many other members of this forum.
Last edited by Pete77 on Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Old EPG STILL Here.

Postby Tcm2007 » Wed Jun 29, 2011 12:44 pm

Pete77 wrote:
Those of a social science or journalistic or political background are frequently used to reading between the lines of what people actually write but clearly to the scientist with their bunsen burner and notepad this appears to be an almost unheard of process.

Since the whole of science is "reading between the lines" to try to discover the underlying truths behind the set of results you get from experiments, you could not be more wrong if you tried.
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