Having recently upgraded my tivo with a 1TB drive from Tivoland and added a turbonet card after setting up AltEPG on my tivo all appears to be working well. Well done Tivoland !!. My question is now that the tivo is networked (and tivoweb works fine)can I copy the tivo recording from the tivo to my pc or Imac so I can either burn them to DVD or re-format to use on say an Itouch ?. Where are the tivo recordings kept.
Update: Using the network connection FTP to ftp://192.168.1.xxx:3105/tmf/ (Where xxx is your Tivo IP address) and found the recordings
in TMF format. It is now possible to FTP the files to a PC. Using a utility such as tytompg.exe will convert the file to MP2 at which point a conversion to any other format is possible ?. Any additions or comments ?.