by Nick-at-da-mill » Tue Aug 02, 2011 10:59 am
OK. I've made and tested a workaround (removed the Now Showing table as per the attachment).
When I have a bit more time, I'll pursue the root cause.
If you want to apply the workaround yourself.
Edit: TivoWebPlus/modules/ui_series.itcl in /var/hack/ by default
and comment out (add a # before) as shown in the lines in red below
#puts $chan [table -class showlist $s]
set preload [list Series "" Episodic $Episodic]
RetryTransaction {
if {$TmsId==""} { set hastms 0
} else {
set hastms [MfsFind /Recording/TmsId 0]
if {$hastms} {
if {[mfs size $hastms]<8} {set TmsId 0}
if {$::version>=3} {
regsub -all {^(A|AN|THE) } [string toupper $Title] {} t
regsub -all {(\'|\!|\{|\&|\@|\:|\?|\.|\;|\/|\-)} $t {} t
if {$::version>=4} {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/NowShowingByBucketTitle "$t:$seriesid" [expr [string length $t] + 1]]
} else {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/NowShowingByTitle "1:$t:" [expr [string length $t] + 3]]
} elseif {$hastms} {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/TmsId $TmsId 6]
if [PrefixMatches "SH" $TmsId] {
set l [concat $l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/TmsId EP[string range $TmsId 2 end] 6]]
} else {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix $::nowshowingdir "" 50]
#puts "ids: $l"
#set shows {}
#foreach {fsid name type} $l {
# lappend shows $fsid
#if {$TmsId!=0} { set opts "" } else { set opts [list {Program -Series} $seriesid/-1]}
#set fmt $::dyncfg(Fmt_Series)
#putRecRows -opts $opts $chan $fmt Show $shows $preload
#puts -nonewline $chan [html_table_end]
- Attachments
- Fixed.png (68.98 KiB) Viewed 2941 times