spitfires wrote: I think MrT was already looking at this anyway.
@healeydave, I was intending to, to clarify, at least document what's needed/what changes have been made over the years to "out of the box" 1.9.4 to get to "bare bones working now" 1.9.4. Ie what lightn would have released if there had been interim "keep UK tivos working" patches.
Off the top of my head this is
* Cumulative updates to the genres javascript
* Sky radio channels support; adding 1000 to the channums in the UI and index modules
* others I can't recall
In addition there are some recent bugfixes to the core code, eg single-name Actors being missed off the list which spitfires has been helping us all with.
In addition there are some patches to keep 1.9.4 ticking along during this testing period, whilst our Guide Data isn't yet pukka - eg the actors names being "firstname lastname" currently instead of the "lastname, firstname" that tivo expects. These aren't strictly true TiVoweb but I believe should be in any 1.9.4-AltEpg version for those who select 1.9.4 for whatever reason.
In separate development branches to the release TiVoweb 1.9.4, there are also
a) LJ's patches to the UI module, conflict checking, etc which are really useful but do change quite a lot of files.
b) My own UI2 module and change-set with extra data-checking stuff which is a branch off (a) and is quite hard to de-couple. But I think it's only me who cares about it

It may well be that the 1.9.4-AltEpg tarball version is a fully up-to-date (a), probably with things like EndPad, SP reorder added, in which case it's a case of checking they have spitfire's recent patches too. I have several directories at home including at least pukka 1.9.4; I have to perform several comparisons to get a handle on what changed.
Both millsb and gcobb are interested in the progress of this AIUI.
In addition, I've been working on an updated Tracker for 1.9.4 and have posted it in another thread; there is one bug I've had reported and I've had time to document where the problem lies (in that thread) but not had time to look at it yet.