swuk wrote:I've never done this before, but...
User Control Panel -> Friends & Foes -> Manage Foes -> Add new Foes -> enter troll's name -> Submit.
Back to forum... much better.
I'm not suggesting that or asking anyone else to do this. Just relaying what I've done.
-------INTERNAL SERVER ERROR------ --cut here--action:series, path:/422378/-1, env:, code:'NONE'
can't read "l3": no such variable
while executing
"foreach {fsid name type} $l3 {
RetryTransaction {
set oldrec [db $::db openid $fsid]
set showing [dbobj $oldrec get Showing]
set program [dbobj $showi..."
(procedure "MOD::action_series" line 71)
invoked from: "$cmd $chan $path $env"
--cut here--
elseif {$hastms} {
set l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/TmsId $TmsId 6]
if [PrefixMatches "SH" $TmsId] {
set l [concat $l [getFsidsByPrefix /Recording/TmsId EP[string range $TmsId 2 end] 6]]
} else {
(everyone else with tmsids)
(code which sets l and l3)
if [info exists l3] {
foreach {fsid name type} $l3 {
RetryTransaction {
# puts fsid=$fsid
set oldrec [db $::db openid $fsid]
set showing [dbobj $oldrec get Showing]
set program [dbobj $showing get Program]
set orphantitle [strim [dbobj $program get Title]]
if { [PrefixMatches $Title $orphantitle] } {
# puts "match=$Title ++++++ $orphantitle"
set l [concat $l $fsid $name $type]
#puts "ids: $l"
proc PrintNames {args} {
set str ""
set names [lindex $args 0]
set searchtype 0
if { [llength $args] > 1} {
set searchtype [lindex $args 1]
set searchby [lindex "4 5" [expr $searchtype - 1]]
foreach name $names {
# [spitfires] [fix for AltEPG actors/directors names format] amended 20111222 to handle middle names in quotes
if { [regexp {(.*)\|(.*)} $name junk last first] } {
set nameformat 1
set str1 [string trim "$first $last"]
} elseif { [regexp {(.*) (.*)} $name junk first last] } {
set nameformat 2
set str1 "$first $last"
} else {
set first ""
set last $name
set nameformat 3
set str1 $name
if { [info exists nameformat ] } {
if { $searchtype > 0 } {
if {$first == ""} {
set str2 [httpMapReply "$last\t"]
} else {
# [spitfires] [fix for AltEPG actors/directors names format]
if {$nameformat == 1} {
set str2 [httpMapReply "$last, $first\t"]
} else {
set str2 [httpMapReply "$first $last\t"]
set str1 [html_link "/search?searchby=$searchby&q=$str2" $str1]
if { $str == "" } {
set str $str1
} else {
append str ", $str1"
return $str
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